Monday, May 18, 2020

God attends to our prayers

"But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer." Psalm 66:19 ESV

prayer-person-praying-hands - Diocese of Bridgeport

Several weeks ago, a friend of mine and I were talking about some of the strangest things we had ever seen while out running or walking. "I found a golf ball the other day," my friend, Patty, said. "Which is weird because there isn't a golf course within 25 miles of my house and none of my neighbors golf." "Hmmmm... that is weird," I replied laughing. What was even weirder though was finding a golf ball, myself, while out running on a rural farm road the very next morning. Knowing this discovery just couldn't be random, I asked the Lord, "What are you trying to tell me?" And just the other day, after waiting weeks for a response and at a time when I really needed reassurance, I heard Him say, "You know how you were talking about that golf ball? I heard you talking. And I heard your prayer. I hear everything you say and I know everything you need and when you need it. Trust me." Oh my! Who would have guessed that God would have used a neon golf ball to remind me to trust Him?

And you know, there will be times in every believers' life when they will pray over something and have to simply wait... and wait... and then wait some more. And it's in those waiting periods that they might begin to wonder, "Does God hear my prayers? Does He even care?" And the answer to that is yes and yes. In fact, the psalmist said that God not only listens to our prayers but personally attends to the voice of those prayers. That means the Lord literally sits in on our prayer sessions and deals with our prayers in the way and the time that is best for us. How's that for caring about us?

So if you find yourself in a waiting period today, take heart my friend. God knows what you need and when you need it. More importantly though, He knows what's best and will answer your prayers accordingly. Trust Him. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the many ways You remind us that You can be trusted. You truly are worthy of all of our praise and devotion. Help us to be patient in the waiting Lord, knowing that your timing is always perfect. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

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