Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Against the flow

"You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God." James 4:4

Image result for runner facing traffic pic

According to an article published by Competitor Magazine yesterday, there's one rule of road running that can save your life-going in the opposite direction of traffic. According to a new study out of Finland (whose results should come as no surprise) the common mistake of running or walking with the flow of traffic, or in the same direction, puts those running by the road at a very high risk of danger. According to the research, runners and pedestrians have a 77 percent lower risk of being struck and injured by a car when running or walking facing traffic. This is one instance then where going "against the flow" can help keep a person safe. 

And when it comes to determining what direction we should be facing in our spiritual lives, the Bible clearly warns us that "friendship with the world", or going with the flow is something we should avoid. You see, walking in the ways of the world by loving its' pleasures at the expense of obeying God, not only makes it impossible for us to be friends with Him, but actually makes us his enemy. That's why it is so important that believers be set apart and found walking closely with Christ and "against the flow" at all times. 

So what direction would you say you're facing today? One thing is certain my friend, if you're not walking to the Lord, you're walking away from Him-and, by doing so, have placed yourself at a very high risk of danger. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that so clearly warns us of the dangers of loving the things of this world more than you. Help us to realize how truly dangerous this can be for us and to quickly make a u-turn if we are on that path today. While going "against the flow" won't be easy, help us to remember that it will be worth it. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Run to you - Third Day

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