Saturday, October 21, 2017

Able to forgive

"Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?" 1 Corinthians 3:16

Joined by some friends, running coach Gilbert Tuhaboyne celebrated a special birthday Saturday by marching a mile to the Capitol while toting a five-gallon jug of water on his head to raise money to provide clean drinking water to the people of his native Burundi. But you see, this birthday was not special because it marked the day he came into the world but the day he was given a second chance to live. The day on October 21, 1993, when he was the only one to survive a horrific attack (prompted by the Civil War that was raging) in Burundi in which 100 of his schoolmates and teachers were killed. And despite  still bearing the scars of that day on his legs, back and arms, he says he’s “been able to forgive the people who tried to kill him.”
Can you imagine forgiving someone who kidnapped and tortured you and your friends before leaving you to die in a fire? Most of us can't. In fact, most of us would admit to being unable to forgive people for far less egregious acts. But because Christ forgave us, that's exactly what we are called to do for others, no matter how big or small the offense was. And if you think you can't do it, think again.  What you and I are powerless to do on our own, we can do through Him. You see, the Bible tells us that we we have the strength to forgive because  "God's spirit dwells in you" and me and it's by this power working in us that we can stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake-no matter how much they hurt us.

So if there's someone that you need to forgive today but still find yourself unwilling, consider the words of C.S Lewis, "To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." And then, by His strength, let it go.

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the strength to forgive those who have wronged us knowing that you have forgiven us in the same way. Give us the ability today Lord to let go of  any unforgiveness we are harboring and to love others as you have called us to. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

A heart that forgives - Kevin Levar

*Tuhabonye went on to become an All-America runner at Abilene Christian University, then moved to Austin and started the Gilbert’s Gazelles running group. Since 2009, the Gazelle Foundation has built a network of pipes, spigots and collecting tanks to bring water to more than 70,000 people in Burundi. The projects tap natural springs on hilltops and use gravity to move water to storage chambers closer to where villagers live.

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