Thursday, September 18, 2014

Time out

" Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." Ephesians 5:15-17

There are days when I would absolutely love to be put in a "time out" - you know that time when your parent realizes that you are in need of a serious attitude adjustment and sits you in a corner to readjust your thinking and behavior? As a child, this discipline seemed unbearable and unfair but, as an adult, it would be awesome. While children get put in a timeout after they have done something wrong, we can choose to put ourselves in one before doing something wrong. By making time to prepare ourselves for what the day may bring, we can choose what our attitude will be - yes, you have that power. We can't always change our circumstances, but we can always change the way we react to them. By taking time out to spend time with Christ, we can put off our old self and become new each and every day, "put off your old self... to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self..." Ephesians 4:22-24. That means taking off our bitterness, anger and doubt from the previous day and replacing it with something so much better. Yes! You can have a renewed attitude every day, a hopeful and happy heart and mind by taking a time out before the day even gets started.

Wouldn't each day be easier and less stressful if you could begin it with a fresh attitude and outlook? You can, we all can. That's what my morning runs are to me. Rain, snow, sleet or shine, I need my "time out" - the time with Christ (alone and uninterrupted) to renew my mind and refresh my soul. It's a time to let God speak to me as I lay out all my fears and regrets of the previous day, allowing Him to give me a renewed attitude to complete the day's assignment. It's a meeting with "the boss" you could say before the work day begins.

You don't need to run, walk or even get out of your pajamas to meet with God. The glory of a timeout is you can take it anywhere.  Make it a point to meet with Him daily and see if your life isn't changed. Yep, that's a challenge.

Heavenly Father, how awesome it is that we can meet with you wherever we are, whatever condition we are in and with any problem that we have. I pray that we would all take time out to come to You daily giving You praise and seeking your direction for our lives. Thank You for being a God that loves us despite our sin and hears us despite our simple prayers. May we begin today and every day meeting with You, leaving our old self at the altar and be made new. In your precious name we pray Jesus, Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Meet with me - Paul Baloche

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