Thursday, December 9, 2021

Take it one day at a time

"Give us this day our daily bread." Matthew 6:11 NKJV

On Tuesday, CBSN DFW published a story about 74-year-old Texas resident Annabelle Corby who is set to run the Dallas Half Marathon this weekend, 50 years after winning the full marathon. Impressive huh? Of the first 26.2 mile Texas race, Annabelle said, “I ran the first White Rock marathon, now the Dallas Marathon, in 1971. I was the first woman finisher, and I was actually the only woman finisher that year.” Since that first marathon, she’s run 23. Her last 26.2 mile race was the Boston Marathon in 2005. Now, Corboy mostly sticks to half marathons. That’s what she plans to run this Sunday at the 50th anniversary race of the Dallas Marathon. She’s most looking forward to the support from the crowd. “I of course fade off into thinking about how much further I have to go and so forth, but I try to bring myself back to paying more attention to the moment and how lucky I am to be there,” said Corboy. Her take on running is similar to the way she views life. “My philosophy is pretty shallow,” she said. “Live one day at a time, I guess you could sum it up.”

And you know, when it comes to living one day at a time, Jesus told us, among other things, to pray only for the provisions we need for one day, "this day.” Why? Because He loves us and wants us to humbly and faithfully depend on Him rather than ourselves for our needs to be met each and every day—something that happens only when we acknowledge that everything comes from Him and is given in His perfect timing. This daily fellowship and dependence then allows us to live contentedly today without worrying about tomorrow, the next day, or the next... fully confident that He will provide tomorrow’s provisions just as He has today’s. 

So while you and I should most definitely work hard and save for the future, we should pray each and every morning for Jesus to "give us this day our daily bread" and then thank Him each and every night for the “bread” that He provided to get us through "this day." After all, every good thing comes from God... something that should never go unnoticed, unappreciated, or unthanked. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for promising to provide everything we need for each day. Help us to trust You in that promise so that we would not worry or fret about the future. Lord, forgive us for the many times we failed to thank You and stir our hearts to be grateful for the many blessings You provide each and every day. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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