Tuesday, December 28, 2021

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION-Intentionally prepare to crush your resolutions

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let’s get started by talking about what lots of people are talking about this week... New Years Resolutions or, as defined, firm decisions to do or not to do something. And for runners, these eight firm decisions are some of the most common ones made every year. Let's take look at them and then discuss the two things every runner will need to BE to make these resolutions (or whichever ones you have made) a reality... prepared and intentional. Embracing both of these characteristics is extremely important. After all if we fail to prepare, we prepare to fail right? So now's the time to intentionally start putting things into place to ensure that your resolutions have the greatest chance of becoming a reality. Now’s the time to intentionally prepare to..... 

Let’s be honest, staying consistent with anything for a long period of time is tough, but consistency is what creates improvements and change so keeping to a consistent running schedule is a great resolution for a runner of any skill level. The first step to running more consistently is to find your motivation. Find what drives you and think about that every time you step out for a run. Don’t be defeated if each day your run feels a little different, start slow and just get your body moving! With running consistently comes setting a pace that allows you to stay consistent and one that you can maintain every time you run. Don’t get caught up with how fast you are going, just set a comfortable pace and stick to it. This will help running consistently be more achievable.

Speaking of consistency, many runners run the same routes and do the same running workouts time after time. This year, vow to venture out! Go on a trail run or find a unique new workout that will create some variance in your run routine. My friend, Gretchen, and I did a 50k last week doing laps around a high school track for my birthday and had a blast! If that sounds boring, think again. We had so much fun that we will definitely do it again in the future. And if you’re normally a track or treadmill runner, take it to the roads and find some hills to add variance and spice. Try running intervals or go on a tempo run, whatever you need to do to change it up and keep it interesting as well. 

Not being held accountable is one of the biggest reasons that our New Year’s resolutions blunder. Find an accountability partner, app, or other way to hold yourself accountable with your running routine. Having someone or something that is constantly reminding and supporting you will help keep you running on track. With social media, you'll find that it's easier than ever to find groups and other runners to keep you accountable, even if they aren’t physically running with you. Another way to stay accountable without the use of another person is to literally schedule your run into your day whether that be through penciling it in on your agenda or putting it on your phone calendar. Having a dedicated time slot to running will help you prioritize it just as you would any other important meeting or commitment. 

If you're a skilled runner, make 2022 the year you push your pace! As you might already know, we runners often get comfortable at a pace (guilty!) and float through the motions of running, sometimes for years. But in order to progress, you have to challenge yourself. Try to beat your pace by whatever margin is attainable for you. Some ways to increase your endurance and as a result, your speed is to do different types of workouts like tempo training, interval training, and hill training. And don't forget about fartleks. They're totally underrated for helping gain speed. 

Run farther. If you've been running for a while, slowly increase your mileage weekly. A good rule of thumb is the 10% rule. Take the mileage you ran the previous week and increase it no more than 10% each week. This will help you gradually increase your mileage at a reasonable rate.Although this 10% rule is not the best way to increase mileage for every runner, it will help you gauge how to gradually push yourself to go farther. Find your mileage “sweet spot” or the amount of miles where you know you feel comfortable then push past it! No matter what achievable new year’s running resolution you are setting for yourself this year, just make sure to stick with it and keep on running! And when you've finished one distance, think about increasing it again. Perhaps a marathon is in your future? Or even an ultra marathon? That's after the 5k, the 10k and the Half Marathon (in that order) of course. 

Stretching: something most runners would rather skip. Stretching every day can seem a bit excessive but it's a good habit to get into. Stretching not only lengthens our muscles and joints, which helps to prevent running injuries but helps to reduce soreness, especially for the runner who is consistent in their training. Make it a goal to stretch your muscles everyday, your body will thank you!

For many, running is a solo sport (I know that I love my alone time running gives), but running with a run club or group (at least occasionally) will not only keep you consistent and hold you accountable, but will give you an opportunity to build a community and meet people who share the same passion. Running with a group of people will motivate you to never miss a run because well, people will know if you don’t show and they're not above shaming you! It will also push you to become a better runner because running is way more fun with a group and, let's face it, a little friendly competition never hurt anyone. If you're looking for a run club to join, check out these great groups in our area... OMRR (Ozark Mountain Ridge Runners), FFG (Frog Fitness Group), DRC (Daily Run Club), TEAM RWB, and LOZ (Lake of the Ozarks Runners). And this is also something that makes number eight so much easier. You'll not only know what races are in your area and when they are happening (something every run group keeps on top of) but you'll have friends to accompany you. 

Ok, so if you're an avid runner like me, races are most likely a common occurrence for you... most likely the same races year after year as well. Which is why 2022 might be a great time to branch out and find a new and unique race. Going back to number seven, you might even consider splitting costs with some of your running friends to do a race you'd never be able to afford on your own. Think about things like destination races, relay events, and obstacles runs. And if you’re new to racing, there’s no better time to start training than the start of the new year! Signing up for a future race will not only motivate you but will help you set a training plan and goal. And if you need help choosing a race and/or training for one, check out the Bass Pro Fitness Series Training group for the Bass Pro Marathon/half. This group can be attended in person or virtually. Join their Facebook page and you'll be a part of the family no matter where you might be training. There are lots of other great races in our area too!! Races like the Rock Island Road Race, Katy 50/50, Dogwood Canyon trail runRun for the Ranch, Honoring our Heroes, Mile O Flint Hills trail race, and the Frog Hill Half. These are just a few of the great races Missouri has to offer and my personal favorites!!

So there you have it friends. Those are some great resolutions to consider adopting if you want to become a better runner in 2020. But remember... now's the time to intentionally start putting things into place to ensure that they have the greatest chance of becoming a reality. Now is the time to intentionally prepare to... you fill in the blank... and then go out there and, in the words of Larry the cable guy, "Get er' done!" 

Happy Running and Happy New Year!!!

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