Tuesday, December 14, 2021

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION-Weird things runners do

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about something that I hope will have you laughing. Why? Because, if you're like most people right now, you probably need a good laugh amidst the craziness of this changing world and the pressures of making this Christmas the best it can be. So let’s talk about some of the strange things that only runners do (like run races every December in a Santa suit) and what free, or super-cheap and unusual Christmas presents you might get them this year. Tis the season for giving right? So here we go with the top ten list of.....

Weird Things Runners Do… That Normal Humans Don’t (and things we can give them without spending more than $10)

1. Save every bib from every race. Literally. Why? No one knows. But if you have a runner in your life that does this, you might want to give them one of your old running shoe boxes to put them in. Okay, so if that isn't festive since it's obviously free, make them a race bib folder using a hard plastic binder and clear plastic sheet protectors. And of course you'll want to display their Bass Pro Fitness Series ones in the front right? 

2. Hoard tech wear. Runners love free stuff and actually think their race shirt or hoodie was free with their entry. Hello... the price was high because your active wear was included in your fee. But I digress... this is the reason so many of us end up needing a separate dresser just for our race gear that we can’t part with. So here we go... time for a bigger box. Think about the one you got that once contained the new TV you purchased to watch Chariots of Fire and Forrest Gump. Yep give them this box for their massive active wear collection. But if you want to be nice and up the ante, think about clear plastic tubs that they can use to store and stack. And while this might cause them to hoard the items even more, that's a discussion for a New Year's Resolution. 

3. Hoard worn-through shoes. There’s something about running shoes. You know they’re worn through and you won’t ever wear them again because you know you’d be risking injury. But you can’t seem to let go. And so they sit in the closet and serve no purpose other than to look like they should be worn again. Maybe to mow the lawn in. RIP shoes. Christmas gift? An even bigger box! Consider giving that special runner in your life the box that new refrigerator you purchased came in... you know the one you bought to hold all of your prepped meals and boiled eggs? Seriously though, this is a great time to go through them and donate them to organizations that can get them on the feet of people who would consider themselves blessed to receive them. 

4. Wear trash bags before or during a race. Or we go to Target or Wal-Mart and search clearance racks for anything warm and less than $5. Goodwill, too. Sometimes even our spouse’s closet for a nasty old sweatshirt from grade school. This one is simple... give the runner in your life colored trash bags. Yes they make them and they will make the recipient feel super special that you went through the trouble to help them stand out in a crowd.

 5. Wake up at crazy times. Runners will wake up at what others consider the middle of the night in order to get in their long run before work. It is not unheard of to wake up at 3:00 in the morning to get to a race, beat the heat, or simply “get it done.” For this runner in your life? They just need your support. Face it, if they're disciplined enough to get up that early, they can fend for themselves and probably don't need anything besides therapy. 

6. Hoard mileage stickers. While normal people have little stick family pictures or political candidates on their bumpers, runners have little signs that say RUN, 50, 26.2 or 13.1! It’s another sign of that special club they belong to. And while they may not need any more stickers, get them a few anyway. You can order them online or pick some up this November at the 2022 Bass Pro Marathon/Dogwood Canyon expo. Speaking of that, this is a great time to gift that special runner in your life with an early bird discounted entry to the race of their choice. Nothing says "tis the season" like a race entry. 

7. Monitor their urine. Three words... big water bottle. Or to save money for your next entry fee, give that special runner in your life a gallon of water and write the words (with a permanent marker because you spare no expense) "REUSABLE....FILL AGAIN WHEN EMPTY." Runners like their urine to be a pale yellow which requires a lot of hydration and this will not only give them a jump start but remind them to start the process all over when the jug is dry.

8. Consider toenail loss something to be proud of. Because it indicates how hard we train and what we give up for our sport. This also includes blisters and callouses, and, of course, black toenails. Here we go with the box thing again. This is entirely too easy right?? Simply give them the box from the protein bars you just finished off for them to store their lost toenails in. For an added bonus to show you care, add a red bow. For real... there's nothing more to say on this one. 

 9. Love and hoard snacks!!
Runners love to stash them everywhere right? Ziplocs this time!! Cheap and easy right? Does this not just scream, "I love you and I care about you??" Consider that runners are constantly on the run and you might want to throw in a small lunchbox and some healthy snacks that they can eat on the go as well for when they don't have time to pack their own. They'll thank you for it.   

10. Runners love talking about running! This one is the best gift ever... make yourself available. Not to get sappy but giving the gift of friendship at Christmas is priceless. This is a time when normally happy people might be depressed. It's the happiest season of all for sure but not always for all. So stay in touch with your friends and even your neighbors, make time for some group and one-on-one runs and remind the people you love that you love them and that you're there for them. Give the gift of your time and you'll reap the rewards for years to come. 

So there you have it friends. Further proof that runners are a very strange group of individuals. But as strange as we are, I'm sure you'll agree with me that runners are the funnest and most giving group of people you'll ever meet. So give of yourself this Christmas season. Enjoy the people in your life more than the presents. After all, that's what's most important. 

Happy Running!!!

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