Thursday, October 21, 2021

Play the hand you’re dealt

"Do all things without grumbling or disputing," Philippians 2:14-15 ESV

In a story published by The Southern Illinoisan on Wednesday, the following was said about Pope County's Vance Hertter: Play the hand you’re dealt. Life may have dealt from the bottom of the deck to Vance Hertter, but to say he’s made the most of his hand is a gross understatement. When the Pope County senior steps to the starting line Saturday at the Class 1A Carterville Regional, he’ll aim for his second straight trip to the sectionals. This is in addition to being on pace to being the class valedictorian and his sectional trip in speech and drama last year. Oh, and he’s legally blind. “When they measure vision, most people are 20-20,” Hertter said last week. “I have to be 20 feet away to see what a normal person sees from 400 feet away.” Vision is one thing. The ability to dream is another. The story went on to say that, Hertter has a realistic chance to earn a second sectional trip on Saturday. The Carterville course is where he posted his personal best time on Sept. 27, clocking a 17:53.9 at the Carterville Invitational. Coming in off a third place finish at last week’s Greater Egyptian Conference meet, Hertter is confident he can lace up his shoes at the sectionals on Oct. 30. And why not? As he’s shown through his first 18 years on earth, Hertter is able to do things others would term improbable. Do you just love this or what? Talk about making the most of a less than optimal situation.

And you know, if playing the hand you're dealt means to refrain from complaining about not having an optimal situation but just dealing with things as they are and making the best of it that you can, you and I would do well to take heed of Paul's instruction to "Do all things without grumbling or disputing...." You see, when you and I grumble or complain about our circumstances, we take our eyes off God and place them on ourselves. We say things like, "life just isn't fair" or "why me?" All things that keep us from allowing God to use our less than optimal situations to show what can be accomplished by His strength.

So if you feel as if you've been dealt a life from the bottom of the deck, refuse the urge to complain or grumble in discontent my friend. Instead look up and say, "Lord, I don't understand my situation but I know that You do. I also know that You have a purpose for it. Help me make the most of my life and bring You glory in the midst of my less than optimal circumstances.”

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that You can redeem every less than favorable circumstance. Cause us to look to You during our trials and troubles so that we could smile in the midst of them. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

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