Thursday, January 21, 2021

He would do it for only one

"'I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." John 10:11 NIV

One of the things I enjoy most about my job as the Wellness Coordinator of our local public health department is the Couch to 5k program I'm blessed to teach several times a year. These eight week classes are designed to help beginning runners, and those athletes who may have taken a long break from the sport, work up from doing nothing to completing a 3.1 mile run. And while I was super excited by the number of participants that showed up for the first class of the newest cycle that started last night, I was reminded by my dear friend and fellow running coach, Jay, that the great majority of the participants would not be there by week four and definitely not week eight. "You know," I told Jay after acknowledging that dropout rates for exercise programs in general were indeed very high. "I would still teach these classes even if there was just one person that showed up." "I know you would," he said. 

And you know, while I care about each individual in my class and would still teach the program if there was only one person, you and I have a Savior that not only died for the sins of the world but died for each individual person. You see, the Bible tells us that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, "lays down his life for his sheep." His sheep... that means one sheep or a million sheep because, get this, sheep is the plural form of the singular noun sheep. That means if there had been only one sheep in need of the salvation that only the death of Jesus could have provided, the Good Shepherd would have still laid down His life! Do you get that today? You are of infinite value to our Savior!

So let us smile today knowing that we are dearly loved by the Good Shepherd despite our flaws, quirks and imperfections. And because of that may we sing the praises of the One who willingly died to save the whole world, yet would have done it even if that world contained only you or only me. 

Heavenly Father, thank You so much for loving us like You do. It is truly unfathomable how a good and perfect God could care so much about people so stubborn and imperfect. And yet You love us despite our wayward ways. Help us to understand this great love Lord that we would seek You above all else. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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