Sunday, January 3, 2021

Embrace those changes in plan

“But God said to me, ‘You shall not build a house for My name, because you are a man of war and have shed blood.’” 1 Chronicles 28:3 NASB 

“No pics, but I ran 7 miles on the treadmill this morning. Looks like you were having fun out there. I was out trying to get 92.1 back on, but our power is so low from ice in Camdenton, that it's not coming in clear and it's trying to pick up 91.7 from Salem. It should be better by tomorrow afternoon.” Those were the words my dear longtime running buddy and Director of my favorite Christian radio station posted over the weekend after seeing that I, along with lots of other runners, got out to enjoy the beauty of the previous days’ winter storm that knocked out the signal to the station while he was busy working to get it back on. “Just goes to show,” I later thought, “that our plans don't always go ‘as planned’”. 

And you know, as we enter 2021, we would all do well to consider that many of our plans will not go ‘as planned’ this year. In a time of unprecedented unrest in our nation and our world, we certainly don’t even know what tomorrow will bring... right? In fact, even those who follow Christ are not exempt from changes in plans. Consider David who was known as a man after God's own heart. He desperately wanted to build the temple of the Lord. And although his motives were pure, the Lord changed his plans saying, "You shall not build a house for My name, because you are a man of war and have shed blood.” Instead, David was told, his son Solomon would be the one to build the temple. Rather than sulk at hearing this change of plans though like many of us would, David got busy gathering the items Solomon would need to finish the work.  

So as we begin this new year, let us make David’s reaction to God’s change of plans the model for us to follow. When things do not go as we planned—when God closes a door—let us continue to praise Him as we joyfully move on in a new direction. And rather than complain about what we can’t do, let us do what we can with all our might, giving God the glory for all good things, even those that don't go 'as planned.'

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that following You doesn’t always mean that our lives will be perfect or that we will always be granted the desires of our heart. Help us to trust that Your ways are higher and better and to smile in the midst of our changed plans. Thank You for knowing what's best for us and for working all things for our good and Your glory Lord. It’s in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!! 

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