Sunday, September 6, 2020

Be of one heart and mind

"Now the entire group of those who believed were of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but instead they held everything in common." Acts 4:32 CSB

Did you know that only an elite group of people will ever complete an ultra marathon (a mere 0.0025% of the worlds population to be exact)? It’s true. Why? Because the training and the actual race are so intensely difficult that it takes a certain mindset to even want to attempt it; a mindset that I saw in so many of the other hundred runners (67 for the 50k and 34 for the 50 mile) I was blessed to run alongside that pressed on to cross the finish line of the Katy 50/50 Trail Run Saturday. And we were successful in large part because we "were of one heart and mind," meaning we shared such a passion, fervor and zeal for completing our race and helping others do the same that we encouraged one another and shared tips and supplies along the course to spur one another on to completion; something that made us all better. 

And you know, this shared mindset that allowed this group of runners to achieve victory is the same unity of thought that the body of believers should have. You see, if the church is to successfully witness to and be the change this world so desperately needs, we, as an "entire group" must be "of one heart and mind" with a passion to win the lost. We must be willing to lay aside our differences and preferences to come together as an 'elite group of people' that will dare to do big things in the name of Jesus, sharing our God-given resources and talents with one another to further the cause of Christ.  

So let us hold nothing back in our pursuit to fulfill The Great Commission as each and every believer has been commanded to do. But, rather, let us join together as one body united in "heart and mind" to see the name of Christ magnified. It’s only then that the church will live up to its’ full potential. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that it's easier to reach any goal when we work together. Help your church to grasp the importance of the command to go and make disciples of all nations that we would unite together-denominations of all believers- to make that happen. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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