Wednesday, March 7, 2018

No matter what it feels like

"And the great dragon was hurled down--the ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him." Revelation 12:9 BSB

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After quickly glancing at my local weather app, I chose my running attire based on the current temperature. Immediately into my morning run though, as the cold penetrated through my light jacket and my fingertips froze beneath my thin gloves, I realized I had made a huge mistake. I had neglected to check the "feels like" temperature. You see, forecasts can be deceiving when the temperature given is what the thermometer reads rather than what it actually “feels like" when you step into the wind. And believe me, the difference in the two can be eye-opening. 

And you know what? There's another situation where, if we aren't careful, we can be deceived too. It's when we know that we are forgiven but, because of the devil’s lies, it "feels like" we aren't. You see, many of us live under the burden of guilt and shame over sins that God has long since chosen to forget - but sins the devil, the "deceiver of the whole world" likes to bring back up by whispering things like, "God could never forgive you for something like that. You really think God could let that one go? What you did was way too big to ever be pardoned." And it's when we believe these lies, that you and I make a huge mistake... we forget God's promise and so live shackled to chains that have long since been released. 

So remember, you and I don't have to live with guilt or shame today my friend - no matter what it "feels like". God's promise to forgive and bring up our sins no longer is true. You can be certain of that. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for your promise that when we repent and ask for forgiveness that our sins are removed as far as the east is from the west and that you choose to remember them no longer. Help us to grasp that this is true that we may no longer live in guilt or shame today. And may this thought renew and rekindle or love for You, our gracious and loving Father that forgives his children. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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