Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Look for opportunities

"Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone--especially to those in the family of faith." Galatians 6:10

Image result for open the door for someone pic

Midway through my early morning run yesterday, it began to rain so hard that run-offs and puddles quickly formed. "This must be my lucky day, " I thought to myself (since I love running in the rain) as I smiled and pressed on, traipsing across our local grocery store parking lot. And that's when I saw the car approach. A kind shopper who had left the store had spotted me running in these less than ideal conditions and turned around to see if I needed a ride. Literally soaked from head to toe, I declined her most gracious offer as I appreciatively thanked her for her willingness to help. After all, I thought, how many people would have been willing to come to the aid of a total stranger? Especially one who would most certainly have wreaked havoc on their car interior? 

You know when it comes to helping others, Paul reminds us that, as believers, "whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone." And that opportunities are everywhere, if we will just pay attention, is something I came to realize even more as I continued on my run. Passing by the elementary school with the rain still pouring down, I saw that the safety officer had left his car window down. Knowing that his seat would be drenched, I detoured to the front of the building and informed the janitor on duty who assured me that the officer would be notified. That act may have been small but it was still an opportunity to "do good" to someone, right? And no opportunity to "do good" should ever be overlooked. 

Can you imagine if each one of us were to look for opportunities to do good every day? Acts of kindness, whether big or small, would surely add up and spur others on to do the same. And what a difference that could make. So today, look for an opportunity to " do good" and then, like Nike says, just do it. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for the reminder today that there are so many opportunities to do good to others. Help us to realize that our actions have more power to bring people to Christ than our words ever will that we might never fail to seize the chance to help someone else, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

With every act of love - Jason Gray

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