Sunday, February 14, 2016

Run with the Wind 25k 2016

"Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, "This is the way you should go," whether to the right or to the left." Isaiah 30:21

Run with the Wind is a 15.6 mile road race that has been held annually for over 30 years near Joplin, MO. It's a unique race, not only distance wise, but because it changes direction depending on which way the wind is blowing-ensuring the runners have the wind at their back throughout. The race is a point to point course from Carthage to Sarcoxie or vice-versa depending on the day's forecast. Joined by some friends, I was blessed to begin Saturday's race in Sarcoxie where the course took us through the beautiful Missouri countryside over bridges and rolling hills. What a joy it was to see the sun brightly shining that morning providing temperatures much warmer than predicted.. so warm in fact that most everyone shed a layer (or two) before mile five. With amazing aid stations, volunteers, free photos, post race food and awards, I'm definitely adding it to my race calendar again for next year!

As you can see then, to have participated in this race, runners had to be willing and ready to change direction upon the instructions of the race director having faith that he would lead them in the right way. Ultimately though the choice was still ours. It was up to each one of us runners whether we would follow that path. 

Isaiah 30:21 tells us that when the people of Jerusalem left God's path, he personally corrected and led them in the right direction saying, "This is the way you should go." Isn't it great to know that when we are headed in the wrong direction that God will do the same for us too? Speaking to us, telling you and me where to go,"whether to the right or to the left"? But the question is, although the bible tells us that our "own ears will hear him", will we follow him?

So whether He is calling you and me to stay the course or do a complete turnaround, it's up to each one of us to heed those instructions. Changing direction is not always easy, pleasant or without fear but it's during those times we must remember that God, the Ultimate Director, is leading us down the way that is best.

Heavenly Father, thank you for caring about us so much that you would personally speak to us to keep us running in the right direction. May we listen for your voice and be willing to follow the way you have instructed us to go. We ask these things in your most precious name Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Love this kid's boldness as he proudly declares his faith. 
So blessed to be accompanied across the finish line by my daughter (carrying the dog!) and her friends. God is so very good. 
Luke Morrison broke the 15 year old state record by more than 17 minutes!! Love this kid and love his heart for the Lord.

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