Tuesday, December 6, 2022

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Skip the Excuses this Christmas

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about the upcoming holiday season. While Christmas is indeed the most wonderful time of the year, it's also the time of year when people make up wonderful excuses why they can't exercise--something they inevitably regret on January 1st when they can't fit into their running tights. 

So in an effort to disprove the top six excuses for skipping your runs and strength-training sessions during the holidays, check out these excuse busters from the American Council on Exercise.

Excuse: It's too cold.
Excuse buster:
Surely, with the temperatures dropping and the holidays being just around the corner, Mother Nature becomes a great excuse to avoid the gym or experience the great outdoors. If this is the case for you, bring the gym home — literally.

Stair steps, chairs, your living room floor, and doorways can all be easily converted for exercise. Use body-weight only exercises to keep your exercise routine on track.

*On a side note, most people who are intimidated by the idea of running in the cold don't have the proper clothing. Do a little bit of research on what to wear and you might just find that winter running is your jam!

Excuse: I don't have the time.
Excuse buster:
With holiday gift-shopping, get-togethers, cooking, hosting and entertaining family members, time is more precious than ever. If you feel like you're too busy to fit in regular exercise, try combining exercise with some of your daily activities.

Park your car further away from the entrance at the mall, set up walking business meetings, take your dog for an extended walk, and create workouts with your co-workers during lunch. Recruit your family for fun, aerobic activities, such as taking brisk walks, engaging in a friendly snowball fight, or visiting the public ice skating rink, the ski slopes, or playing Nintendo Wii Sports video games. Physical activity is a great way to relieve stress, create team spirit, and tighten emotional bonds.

Excuse: I need to travel and can't take the gym with me.

Excuse buster:
If you're traveling this holiday season, you're not alone. Millions of Americans will be on the road or in the air, but that's still not a good enough excuse to stick your exercise routine on the backburner!

People who travel for extended periods of time in an airplane should stretch to avoid deep vein thrombosis, a potentially life-threatening disorder that occurs when a blood clot forms, and create an action plan to incorporate active breaks during extended car travel.

*On a side note, keep in mind that little activities add up. Speed walk around the airport while waiting for your flight or do lunges while you're pumping gas. 

Excuse: I'll start fresh in January
Excuse buster:
The new year does mean new beginnings, but wouldn't it be nice to start it with a headstart? New Year's resolutions are full of promise, but very few people actually keep them. By staying active through December, you can avoid the common new year pitfalls of doing too much too soon, which can often lead to burn-out or injuries.

Excuse: I can't get motivated when it's so dark.

Excuse buster:
If you’re telling yourself, “I can’t hit the running trails in the mornings, because it’s still dark outside,” or say “I may as well drive home after work because it’s dark,” it may be time to recruit an exercise buddy or hire a personal trainer. Having the accountability and companionship may be just what you need to stick to the workout on your calendar — even when it is cold and dark outside.
If you can’t find a workout buddy, try a group exercise class or boot camp. The classes might add some needed variety — and fun — to your routine, too.
*On a side note, find lit routes to run or purchase a bright LED headlamp to light your path. Now’s not the time to give up your morning or evening runs. 

Excuse: I have so many holiday parties to attend!
Excuse buster:
Yes, it’s definitely tough to stay on track when temptations like holiday treats are ubiquitous. While there is nothing wrong with splurging a little, you’re bound to feel better following a healthy diet while limiting your alcohol intake.

Useful tricks for party-goers include bringing your own healthy treat like a veggie platter, eating something healthy before going to the party, drinking a glass of water with every alcoholic beverage, staying away from the dessert tray, paying close attention to portion sizes, and avoiding going back for seconds.

Also, exercising before festivities helps prevent unwanted weight gain and fosters wellbeing, so try to fit in 30 minutes before you get ready for that party.

So there you have it friends. While you might find lots of excuses to forego exercise this holiday season, don't give in to any of them. You'll not only avoid losing all the endurance you gained while training for Bass Pro or Dogwood Canyon but you'll avoid gaining those holiday pounds that seem to hang around long after the Christmas tree has been taken down and put away. I don’t know about you but extra weight 

Happy Running!

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