Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about something that seems to be motivating a lot of runners to get outside... warmer temps. Yes friends! It's Spring!! Finally right??? And if you're like me right now, you're saying, "Thank goodness. This has been a long, dark, cold, and windy winter!" 

And you know, it's not just the warmer temps that make this such an awesome time of year to hit the trails, the track or the pavement. As I was out yesterday morning (in my shorts and tank top because it was a whopping 50 degrees!), I smiled as I listened to the sounds of nature. The birds were singing, the cattle were mooing and the creeks were bubbling. And oh the sights! If you've ever been to Missouri in early spring, you've most likely seen a Forsythia bush. When blooming, these shrubs are a vibrant yellow hue worthy of a second glance. Especially since the color won't last long. Their golden leaves will soon turn green and the great Forsythia bush will fade into the background. 

Which brings me to my point. Spring into spring before it's sprung! By that I mean take FULL advantage of this season before it’s gone! Get out as much as you can. Run races. Take photos or start a blog. Go on group runs. Attempt something big. Just get out there. The perfect temperatures of spring and the right balance of light and darkness will soon make way for the heat of summer and long days where you'll have to get up pretty darn early if you want to see the sunrise. 

So let's take a deeper look at a few of the ways I listed above that can help you get the most out of Spring before, like the glorious amber colors of the Forsythia bush, the season is only a memory. 

1. Get out as much as you can. I can't stress this one enough. Have a 15 minute break from work? Get outside for a walk. Running errands? Park as far as you can from the door and soak up the sun. Which brings me to another point... if you've completed most of your runs on the treadmill over the winter, start off slow and allow your body to get used to the harder surfaces you'll be on before going full out. Now is also a great time to get others to join you. Whether it be your family or a friend that you might have invited to go on a run with you during the cold months, Spring takes away most of the excuses (it's too cold, it's too dark, it's too windy, etc.) you heard from them before. Your kids will be better for it (invest in some bikes if they're too young to run) as well and you might just gain a running partner.  

2. Run Races. There's perhaps no better way to hit the ground running (literally) this spring than by running a few 5k's. The key is to using these 3.1 mile races to pick up the pace a bit. Without all the added layers you needed during the winter, you'll feel lighter and might even discover that you have a little "spring" in your step. Whether you're training for a 10k, half marathon or even an ultra marathon, doing a little speedwork will be of benefit to you both physically and mentally. 

3. Take photos or start a blog (video or written). These are sure-fire, deliberate ways you can take full advantage of Spring. Capture images and moments that you are grateful for. Pay attention to the small things as well. Case in point... have you ever really examined a dandelion? The world calls them weeds but I call them 'wonders' in their plant stage (ready to burst forth with new life), 'works of art' in their flower stage (with their bright orangish yellow tones), and 'wishes in waiting' in their seed head stage (this is the time dandelions are most often picked so people can first make a wish and then try to blow off the seeds with one good exhale). See why dandelions are so much more than weeds? Make time to appreciate creation and the world around you in the same way and you'll soon find that you're grateful for so much more than you knew. And the best part? Gratitude comes with a lot of benefits like increased happiness, faith, energy, and optimism. 

4. Go on group runs. There's just something about being with like-minded people that helps to motivate you to be better, especially if the cold weather had you in hermit mode (either by sticking to the treadmill or by causing your friends to stick to one, thereby leaving you by your lonesome). Get out there and get social again. You'll be so glad you did.

5. Attempt something big. I don't know what it is about this time of year. Perhaps it's the pollen in the air? But I get crazy ideas when I run in the Spring. I figure if nature can show off then I can too. Which is why I loved looking at my Facebook memories yesterday. Specifically a post from April 12, 2012 that read, "So I just officially registered for an ultramarathon (50 miles) on April 28th. I told people I was going to do it but didn't sign up. Was hoping the rapture would occur before then and I wouldn't actually have to. LOL But, since it's not, here I go. What was I thinking?!!!" I know what I was thinking back then because it's what I'm still thinking and have been every year since then... it's Spring! It's time to do something big!!! So in the spirit of Spring, I've registered for another ultra marathon. Go big or go home right? 

So there you have it friends. There are lots of reasons to take full advantage of the Spring season you and I are so blessed to enjoy. In the spirit of the season then, get out there and enjoy the day. Spring won't last long and nature is calling your name. 


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