Sunday, April 11, 2021

Sheep need a Shepherd

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." Matthew 9:36 NLT

If you're like me, you've not only heard of organ donation but you have designated yourself as an organ donor upon death on the back of your driver's license. But did you know that, according to an article posted in Runner's World Magazine on April 09, that runners are considered ideal candidates to be living organ donors? Not many active people are aware of this key detail, the writer said, or why living organ donation is a better option in many cases. “Donation for kidneys is not only increasing and helping to decrease the shortage of organs, but we’ve also found that living donor kidneys, as opposed to cadaveric kidneys, have better outcomes,” Dr. Sheffield MD, Transplant Surgeon and Surgical Director of Heart Transplantation, Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital in Weston, Florida said. “The immediate short-term function of those living donor kidneys is better than cadaveric kidneys and the long-term outcomes are excellent.” The majority of living donors who sign up, they went on to say, are those people who know someone close to them that needs an organ; people like 56-year-old runner Subbu Venkat who decided he was willing to make the ultimate act of humanity and compassion and became his relative’s living kidney donor in September 2014.

And you know, when it comes to compassion, or the sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it, the Bible says that when Jesus saw the "crowds, he had compassion on them..." Why? Because, like us before we accepted Jesus' offer to follow Him, "they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." And Jesus' compassion was surely justified when you consider that sheep literally cannot survive long without a shepherd. They are not only prone to wandering off from the flock, they can't find pasture and water by themselves, they are wide-open and helpless against predator attacks, and will soon become plagued with diseases and unkempt hooves on their own. In other words, sheep are totally helpless without a shepherd and we are totally helpless without the Shepherd. 

So if you've yet to make the decision to follow Jesus, let me ask you this... are you lacking direction today? Do you feel hopeless? Do you need guidance? Are you worn out, weary, and confused? Then simply say, "Jesus, I can't do this on my own anymore. I am a helpless sheep in need of a Shepherd. Come into my life and lead me along the right path all the rest of my days. I choose to surrender and follow You today." 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the insight into just how helpless and hopeless we are until we choose to follow You. Thank You for being the good Shepherd who cares so much for us, your sheep, that You laid down your life to rescue us from our sins and vowed to lead us into life everlasting. Oh praise you for that today Lord. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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