Thursday, April 15, 2021

No hometown advantage

"Then Jesus told them, “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family.'" Mark 6:4 NLT

While perusing through the latest news about running yesterday, it was refreshing to not only see races opening back up but even new ones being debuted; one of which being the first annual Muddy River Marathon set to take place on May 1 right here in Missouri. In fact, local runner Carol Winter who was interviewed by KFVS12 News yesterday was also very happy that she wouldn't have to travel to participate in a 26.2 mile race. "I think it’s great to have it right here in Cape Girardeau, so a lot of us are just excited for that point. You almost feel like you missed something when you go to these races and the local people know the twists and turns and they know the area and it’s always fun to do that. But it’s nice to have that kind of hometown advantage and be able to train the course.”

And you know, when it comes to having a hometown advantage, Jesus said that "a prophet," or worker for God, "is honored everywhere except in his hometown and among his relatives and his own family." Unfortunately for us, this means that not only will ministering and witnessing to those closest to us fail to put us in a favorable position for the Message we preach to be heard and accepted, it will many times put us in the exact place where we will experience rejection. And while it would be easy to become disheartened by the refusal of our loved ones and neighbors to believe in the One we represent and live to serve, we must understand that they aren't really rejecting us but Jesus. 

So make it your goal to serve God with all your mind, body and soul my friend no matter the opposition. Have the skin of a rhino and the heart of a dove so that when words of rejection are spoken, you can let them slide off your back without letting them harden your heart. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that the very people we want most to reach are most likely the very ones who will reject us. Help us to discern when it's time to dig in and try harder to reach them and when it's time to shake the dust off our feet and move on Lord. Give us the wisdom to use our time wisely that we might make the most of the time we have to reach the lost. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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