Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Do not waste another moment

"And immediately he began preaching about Jesus in the synagogues, saying, “He is indeed the Son of God!'" Acts 9:20 NLT

Image result for street preacher pic

While everyone participating in the overnight race I was blessed to direct Saturday lost an hour of time due to the Daylight Savings Time change, including me, we also lost a whole nights sleep—something I was keenly aware of after finally crawling into bed Sunday afternoon so tired that I could barely keep my eyes open—which led me to consider how none of us can ever make up for one hour or lost sleep, just as none of us can ever make up for the time we lost or wasted living in sin or dealing with the consequences of having done so. But thankfully we can all make the most of every moment we have left by making the decision to follow Christ right now, living a life surrendered and sold-out in service to Him.

And the greatest example we have to follow of a life totally transformed like this is the life of Paul. The Bible tells us that he spent a good part of his life persecuting Christians with a vengeance—a lifestyle he would have continued in had he not met Jesus on the road to Damascus. This was a meeting so life-changing that Paul, unwilling afterwards to waste even one more moment, “immediately” renounced his old life "and began preaching about Jesus in the synagogues, saying, “He is indeed the Son of God!'" And because of his decision to do so, lived his best life and left a legacy of faith and perseverance for us all to follow. 

So if you feel like you've wasted your life up to this point my friend, whether by addiction, disobedience, complacency or any other reason, take heart my friend. The same God who used Paul can use you no matter what you've done. After all, He is the God of second, third and even one-thousandth chances.

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us when we were unloveable and for pursuing us when we ran from You over and over again. Lord if there’s anyone reading this that wants to make today the day they start a new life, I invite them to pray “Jesus I confess my need for You. I believe You are the Son of God, that You died for my sins and that You were resurrected on the third day. I accept You as Lord of my life and want to live every moment hereafter in service to You. Praise You for this new day.” It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

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