Monday, February 3, 2020

Never ever ever ever give up

“We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:9 NLT

“Patrick this wasn’t your kind of game in the first half... “ said Terry Bradshaw while interviewing Patrick Mahomes after Sunday’s Super Bowl win by the Kansas City Chiefs. “I’m just glad our guys kept fighting and we found a way to get in the end,” Mahomes responded. Terry went on to point out how the Chiefs had a habit of coming up from behind. “This is just an unusual way to win football games. Two playoff games you had to come from behind twice, once at 10 points and once at 24 points against Houston. Now tonight down 20 to 10, you turned it on in the fourth quarter. What is it about you and this team that allows you to do that?” Bradshaw asked. And I love what Patrick said next, “We never give up... They have a mindset that they will never give up and they will fight to the end.”

And you know, this mindset of never giving up and fighting to the end is the same mindset every believer must have if they are to wholeheartedly, unabashedly, courageously and zealously serve Christ as He has called us to serve. You see, when you and I choose to follow Jesus, we will always face opposition from the world around us and from forces unseen in the supernatural realm. But it’s then, each and every time that “we get knocked down” by that opposition, we must get back up and fight - remembering that “we are not destroyed” and never “abandoned by God.” In fact, we would do well to remember that God is not only with us but fighting in the battle beside us.

So whatever you do my friend, never ever ever give up. Keep pressing on to fulfill the calling God has placed on your life. You will not only find victory through the power of Jesus Christ when you do so but will inspire those around you to do the same.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that the Christian life is not always an easy one and that we will face many trials and tribulations in our race to the finish line. Keep reminding us that You are always beside us so that we would determine within ourselves to never give up no matter how hopeless a situation may appear. It’s in Your precious Name we pray Jesus. Amen

Happy Running!!!!

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