Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The comfort filter

"But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am too young.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you." Jeremiah 1:7

Image result for witnessing to homeless pic

In an article published by Men's Journal titled, "When should you really replace your running shoes?", experts and runners debated the long-standing idea that shoes should be replaced every 250 to 500 miles. The problem with that, they said, is that there's little evidence to substantiate the need for such frequent replacement and the factors that determine how quickly a shoe wears out vary differently between every runner. Their conclusion was to gauge the need for a shoe change by the "comfort filter." Simply said, if the shoes are comfortable, keep them and if they're not, get a new pair. 

And while it's definitely nice to be comfortable in our running shoes, getting comfortable in our spiritual shoes is not a good thing. You see, God made each one of us to be used as he sees fit-to step outside of our comfort zones and go wherever he calls us to go and do whatever he calls us to do just as he commanded the prophet, Jeremiah, "go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you." 

Maybe, like Jeremiah, God is calling you to a task today that seems beyond your ability and your "comfort filter"? You can forget the excuses my friend, because if God has called you to do a job, whether you feel you're "too young", too old, too shy, too weak or too anything else, you can be sure he will give you everything you need to do it. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that reminds us that every one of us was made for a purpose. Help us to be willing to be uncomfortable that we might do the work you have called us to whether that means feeding the homeless, serving on a missions trip in Africa, ministering to an addict or simply witnessing to our neighbor. Help us to be bold that we might be the hands and feet of Jesus. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

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