Sunday, April 9, 2017


"So we built the wall. And all the wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work." Nehemiah 4:6

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While I was certainly blessed to be able to run the St. Louis Go! Marathon Sunday, I was soon feeling the effects of very little sleep combined with the hills and heat of the day and secretly wished that someone could step in and run a few of the last miles for me. And as relay runner after relay runner passed by, refreshed and quick on their feet, I was reminded how much easier a daunting or difficult task, like a marathon, could be when the burden is shared. You see, I was running this 26.2 miles completely on my own while these "teams" shared the load, each member running only a portion and then passing his/her bib to the next person until the race was finished. You could say then that they all had a "mind to work" towards a common goal. 

And you know that same concept of teamwork, or "a mind to work" shared is the exact same thing that, as a body of believers, will make the tasks God has called us to (even seemingly impossible ones) easier. Nehemiah knew this when he urged the people to work together to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. And the work progressed well because the people had their hearts and minds set on accomplishing this common goal. As a team they worked together to do what would have been impossible for one person-not only completing the wall but doing it in only 52 days!

So today, if God has called you to a task that you can't complete on your own, why not organize a team or group of fellow believers to help? Because remember... when people have a "mind to work" together to serve God, nothing is impossible. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for the example that you have given us to show the things we can accomplish when we work together as a team. Help us to be wise leaders if we are leading a team or obedient helpers if we are serving on one. Either way, may our goal be to always work to do your will. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

No such thing - Building 429

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