Monday, April 10, 2017

fire insurance

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9

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This weekend's news sadly carried a report of another person dying while participating in a race. It seems 34-year-old Brandon Russell, an avid and seemingly healthy runner, collapsed on the course at the Rock the Parkway half marathon in Kansas City Saturday and later passed away. While there's no cause of death yet, the rise in fatalities at these events inspired to get us healthy are proof that being fit or even young is no insurance against death. In fact, eating right and exercising gives us no real assurance that you and I will live to be old or even middle aged. 

And when it comes to insuring we go straight to heaven no matter when we die, have you ever heard a person casually say that they know where they're going because they have "fire insurance"? You know the belief that since they have been baptized, brought up in the church or had Christian parents that their ticket into Heaven was assured? Sadly, that belief couldn't be further from the truth though. The Bible tells us that there is only way way to be insured entry into Heaven and that is to confess that Jesus is Lord and believe it in our hearts. And this word 'believe' means more than simply agreeing in our minds that this might be true. It means believing so strongly in God that we are willing to commit our lives to Him and live the way he has commanded us to.

So I wonder today, do you have truly have "fire insurance"? Do you have 100 percent assurance that if you were to die today that you would be in Heaven tomorrow? If not, maybe it's time to reconsider what you truly believe and why?

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that clearly and without a doubt tells us what it takes to have eternal life. And if there's anyone here who is unsure whether they are "saved", I pray that they would turn to you in prayer for the answers. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

We believe - Newsboys

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