Wednesday, April 5, 2017

No worries

"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Matthew 6:27

Image result for worried person pic

Oh sure, we've all heard reports about how running can be bad for us-it hurts our knees, too much will damage the heart and so on. But, in a new review paper published last month in Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, it was determined that running is actually "a key lifestyle factor for longevity" and that each hour spent running adds seven hours of life. Over the course of a lifetime, they say, those who pound the pavement regularly could live three years longer than if they'd have stayed on the couch. Adding hours to our lives is a pretty good reason to lace up and get out the door then, isn't it? 

And while running can buy us some extra time, there's one thing many of us do daily that positively can't... worry. The Bible even tells us that all the worrying in the world won't "add a single hour to your life." And researchers from the Harvard Medical School in Boston concluded that high levels of anxiety and stress can actually shorten a lifespan by up to six years. So how do we stop worrying then? By remembering what God has promised-namely that he will supply all those things we need (not want), that he will always be with us through the good times and the bad and that we have eternal life awaiting us. 

Need some more good news? Unlike studies whose findings can change, God's promises never change and they have never failed. Never! So what's the use in worrying? Why not give it to God and go for a run instead?

Heavenly Father, thank you for your promises that never change, fail or falter. Your Word is true and you are faithful. Help us to remember that anytime we are tempted to worry about the troubles of this world and to remember that we can't add even one minute to our lives by doing so. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Jason Gray - Sparrows

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