Sunday, April 23, 2017

In need

"Once you were dead because of your disobedience and your many sins." Ephesians 2:1

Hero gives up own race time to help struggling runner get across the finish line

One of the headlines from yesterday's London Marathon read, "A London Marathon runner who helped a competitor finish said he was just lending a hand to a "guy in need". It seems Swansea Harriers runner Matthew Rees came around the final corner of the 26.2 mile race just in time to see David Wyeth, from Chorlton Runners, struggling to stay upright. With 300 metres left to go, Rees immediately came to David's rescue stopping to help the fellow runner to his feet and then walk with him to the finish line. Thanks to Matthew, who was unwilling to let a fellow runner fail, they both finished in under three hours.

You know the Bible also makes it clear that, because of our disobedience and sin, every one of us was a girl or "guy in need" too. You see not only were we born into sin but each of us personally chooses to sin every day. And it's this very disobedience against God's commands that causes us to fall down and fail and the very same sin that sentences us to eternal death and separation from God. But thankfully there was one (and only one) person who could and would "lend a hand"-only One who was so unwilling to let us fail that he left his throne in Heaven to come to save us from all that.... his name is Jesus Christ.

And you know what's great? This blessed Savior of ours wants to save everyone who is in need-all those who are weary, worn-out and struggling to stand. And if that's you today, I invite you to confess your need, reach out and take his hand and allow him to lead you. It's just that simple to change how you will finish the race.

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son to save us from our sins. I pray that if there's anyone reading this that has not made the decision to follow you that they would choose to do so today praying, " Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner and I need a Savior. I believe that you are God's son and I ask that you come into my heart and then take my hand and lead me on the right path all the rest of my days." It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.  

Happy Running!!!

I need a Savior - Among the thirsty

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