Thursday, March 21, 2024

Go the Second Mile

“If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.” Matthew 5:41 NIV

In a story titled “LAPD SERGEANT HELPS 14-YEAR-OLD RUNNER CROSS FINISH LINE AT LA MARATHON” published on Tuesday, it was reported that a Los Angeles police sergeant went the extra mile to help a young runner cross the finish line at Sunday's L.A. Marathon. "For me, I wanted to help him make sure that he achieves his goal," said LAPD Sgt. Jay Balgemino. The officer was stationed less than half a mile from the finish line when he said witnesses saw the 14-year-old pass out from the rigorous run.That's when Balgemino rushed to help. Video shows the officer carrying the boy in his arms. "The first thing he asked was, 'Did I finish?' so me and his sister kind of guided him towards the path to see if he could finish it. Towards the end, I wanted him to do it on his own, so he can cross the finish line on his own, but his legs just gave out, so I just carried him and took him to the finish line." The moment they crossed that finish line, the boy was elated, a moment Balgemino will never forget.

And you know, when it comes to going the ‘extra mile’ as Jay did, Jesus, in his Sermon on the Mount made it clear that believers are to behave contrary to the world and are to always do more than what is asked or expected of them, saying, “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles." You see, in Jesus' day, Roman soldiers had the authority to “force” civilians to carry their loads. However, Roman law said that a person only had to do this service for one mile (which was measured by steps back then, 1,000 steps was a mile) and then he or she was free to go. And you could probably bet that those forced to carry the heavy load of their Roman oppressor would sullenly count every single begrudging and reluctant step they took, and when they got to 1,000, they would stop, drop the load, and walk away. But believers are to joyfully go 1,000 steps and then 1,000 more, all the while praising God for the privilege of having the opportunity to show divine love. Why? Because that’s what Jesus would do. 

So knowing that there are certain things that are required of us (like going the first mile) let us smile as we count to step 1,000 and then joyfully press on as we count 1,000 more. Doing so will not only set us apart but will demonstrate the love of Jesus to a world in desperate need of receiving it. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the example of Jesus who loved others sacrificially. Help us to follow that example so that the lost would be drawn to seek the One whose love for us inspires us to keep on going long after we’ve counted to 1,000. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running

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