Monday, March 4, 2024

Do Not be Deceived

"Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons." 1 Timothy 4:1 NLT

In an article titled, "10 Energy Exercises to Give You a Boost Midday" shared by Runner's World last week, the writer said: If you get tired midday more often than not, you’re certainly not alone. The afternoon slump affects many of us, as least from time to time. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet and getting a good night’s sleep can certainly help fight off fatigue. But you can also turn to some midday movement to invigorate your system and help you feel more awake. Research backs this up: A review published in Frontiers of Psychology found that moderate-intensity exercise can improve fatigue, vitality, and energy in healthy individuals—even those with chronic health conditions. And a meta-analysis included in that review says that even a 20- to 40-minute single bout of activity can increase feelings of energy. While you could head out for a run, if you want to knock out energy exercises indoors, we tapped a yoga instructor and two run coaches to offer up quick and easy moves to help you fight off that afternoon fatigue.

And you know, while ‘research’ clearly shows that midday movement can indeed give us more energy, a careful ‘research’ of the Scriptures tells us that yoga is a movement believers should stay away from, for a variety of reasons. One of which being that yoga, which is rooted in Hinduism, produces a false idea that a person can reach oneness with God—a demonic teaching that is completely contrary to what the Bible teaches… that God is the Creator and we are His creation, created to belong to Jesus Christ not to be equal to Him. 

So, knowing that the devil is just as crafty today as he was in the garden with Eve, be on the lookout for “deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons” my friend. The world will tell you that yoga and practices like it are merely stretching exercises designed to make you more flexible, but deceptions such as this have led many believers down a path they never intended to be on. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that “in the last times” many people will both knowingly and unknowingly fall into the deceptive trap of sin for lack of knowledge. Help us to know the Word so we won’t be deceived and led astray by the teachings and customs of this world. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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