Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Seek the Lord and Let the Fear Go

“Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:3,4 NIV

In a harrowing article titled “Security cameras capture runner being followed in terrifying ordeal” published Monday, runner and mother-of-six Shanna Birchett shared the frightening experience of being followed by an unknown vehicle with tinted windows while out on her morning run (in an area that was considered very safe) recently—an experience that most likely would have had disastrous consequences if an elderly homeowner in her neighborhood hadn’t answered Shanna’s desperate knock at the door and let her in. While the incident on Nov. 3 is over and Birchette is safe home, what happened has had a lasting emotional impact that she said is going to take some time to heal from. “When I watched the videos, that's when it really hit," she said. "I remember those feelings so vividly and seeing the footage confirmed to me that the driver was stalking me and they did not have good intentions. There are a lot of times when I am mad because, in a matter of seconds, this person stole my safety and peace of mind," she continued. "They stole my love for running and it was hard for me to get back out there. Birchette went on to say that she has learned a lot from the incident, and hopes to start a conversation about people protecting themselves. 

And you know, when it comes to learning a lot from incidents such as this, incidents where the enemy tries to harm us, we would all do well to remember that the fear these failed attacks leave behind can be debilitating. That’s what fear does though. It keeps us from doing the things we love and from serving Christ as we are called to do. Which is the very reason every believer must earnestly seek the Lord when they are frightened or scared—remembering that the One who delivered David from “all” his fears (he was being pursued and hunted down by Saul and his army when he wrote this) will deliver them as well. 

So if you’ve been holding on to fear from a past trauma that’s been keeping you from moving on, I pray that you can let it go my friend. I know from experience that it won’t be easy (believe me when I say this, and it may not be instantaneous) to do this, but with the help of the Lord you can live in victory and go on to “exalt His name” (as I do now) for hearing your cry and delivering you from all your fears. God is so good like that. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we have no reason to fear when You are the Lord of our lives. Although we are to be vigilant, sober and alert at all times since evil is always lurking, help us to do so with confidence knowing that fear has no place in the life of a believer so that we can be obedient to anything and everything You call us to do. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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