Thursday, September 15, 2022

He created them male and female

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27 NIV

In a story published by NPR Wednesday titled, "Runners can identify as nonbinary in next year's Boston and London marathons," the following was reported: Two of the world's top marathons will allow runners to identify as nonbinary when they enter the races next year. Organizers for the 2023 Boston Marathon and the 2023 TCS London Marathon say that racers will have the option to enter the race as male, female or nonbinary – a term used by some people who say they don't fit into the gender categories of man or woman. There's been a push for greater gender inclusion in sports across the globe, and some athletics organizations have recently announced policies on how transgender, nonbinary and other gender-nonconforming people can take part in competitions. Boston and London join other marathons that have already added the nonbinary gender option, such as the New York Marathon. "A truly inclusive marathon provides space for every runner to register, compete and be celebrated exactly as they are," said Joanna Hoffman, spokesperson for Athlete Ally, a group that advocates for LGBTQI+ equality in sports.

And you know, although the world has created more than 100 genders (with more being added all the time) for a person to identify with, the Bible says, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” That means, barring a rare medical anomaly, there are only two genders—which means that a person is either a male or a female based on their chromosomes at birth. No amount of redefining what it means to be a man or woman will ever change that. And you can be sure that, regardless of what the world says, there’s no surgery or medicine that can ever change it either. 

So don't fall into the false belief or narrative that it's hard to define a man or a woman my friend. The Bible is very clear that a man is a male and a woman is a female. They are both uniquely made in the image of God just as He purposed them to be and nothing will ever change that. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for being a God of order and simplicity. While the world would like to add new definitions, new pronouns and new gender identities when it comes to what a man and a woman are, they only serve to promote confusion, cause division, and lead people away from You. Help us to be bold in speaking the Truth that some might be saved no matter what consequences we might face. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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