Monday, August 15, 2022

Forgive as Christ forgave you

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 NIV

On the evening of October 3, 2017, local Gravette, Arkansas 5k walker Susan Hazard was brutally beaten, raped and left for dead. The attack was so vicious that it ripped Susan’s colon and allowed toxins to enter her bloodstream causing her to develop sepsis and her arms and legs eventually died. This led to the amputation of both her legs just below the knee and both her arms just below the elbow. You’d certainly expect her to be bitter and unforgiving but Susan was anything but. A trial was held for Hazard's attacker in July 2018 and she testified twice. “This young man, who was only in his early 30s, took away his own life because of stupid decisions," she says. She urges young people tempted to try alcohol and drugs to think first about the consequences. "It's hard to come out of situations that entrap you," she warns. Hazard gives a wonderful testimony as she tells how she soon forgave her attacker.” You read the four gospels and over and over Jesus tells his followers, 'You must forgive.' I could have held on to that resentment and anger but it would hurt me more than anyone else." She concluded by giving thanks to her God who is "always faithful," she said.

And you know, while the Bible is very clear that you and I are to forgive one another, “just as in Christ God forgave” us, many people would say that what Susan experienced released her from this command. Surely we aren’t supposed to forgive someone who did something this evil and heinous right? Wrong. In fact, in one of the greatest examples of forgiveness there could ever be, Jesus forgave the very people that falsely accused Him, hurled insults at Him, viciously beat Him, and then crucified Him on the cross, saying (as He hung there gasping for breath), “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

So if you’re struggling to forgive someone that has wronged you today my friend, pray that the Lord would soften your heart to do so. It’s not only what you are commanded to do but it’s something that will release you from the bonds of resentment and anger and allow you to be a living example to the lost of what it means to forgive… something that has the power to inspire the lost to seek Jesus, the only One who can bring good from evil.

Heavenly Father, thank You for being the God of forgiveness who blots out our sins as far as the east is from the west when we humbly confess and turn from them. Lord, please remind us that we are all dirty sinners worthy of death, yet You pardoned us of all our transgressions, and so we need to pardon others in the same way. Please give us the strength to forgive those who have wronged us so we can move on. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!

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