Tuesday, August 23, 2022

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Help others do hard things

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let’s get started by talking about why, in the words of Karen Olson, hanging around “people who make hard things look easy and still give support and encouragement to others for their accomplishments” can motivate us to not only attempt hard things but to help us get them done. And why, if you are a person who makes doing hard things a way of life, you should use every opportunity you have to inspire others to do them as well and to then pass the baton. 

So over the weekend after we had a little wedding in Waynesville on Friday night (yes it was mine, yes it was running-themed, and yes it was epic!) The next day, I was then blessed to direct the third annual Bad Dawg Ultra that had several ultra distances from the 50k to the 100-miler to choose from. And as you can only imagine, there are always amazing stories of perseverance behind every finish line photo. And this year was no exception. There were several finishes that were noteworthy not only because they were hard earned but because they were a first. Here are three of them... Karen Latham Olson signed up for the 50k and ended up completing 50 miles for the first time with the help of some amazing friends. Jozie Ann showed up to complete one 10 mile loop and went home with a 50k buckle after completing 31 miles for the first time. Ask her and she will tell you that it was because of some amazing encouragers that not only told her she could do it but walked alongside her every step of the way! You can bet that her mom, local runner Jill Brockman, was beaming with pride over that one as well! And Amanda Banks was the only female to complete the 100k distance (her first!). Once again, you can ask her what kept her going and she’ll most likely tell you that it was the support of the "crazy community" that got her going and kept her going! After the race, this is what they had to say.... 

I've been thinking all day about what words to use to describe my weekend. Blessed, humbled, inspired, loved, grateful, friendship, family and a whole lot of stupidity are a few that I've come up with. I am so blessed and grateful that God led me to be a part of an amazing community of people who I get to call friends and family. People who make hard things look easy and still give support and encouragement to others for their accomplishments. With a whole lot of that support and encouragement from this crazy community, I slowly gutted out my first 50 mile ultra on Saturday at Bad Dawg. I originally signed up for the 50K this weekend, but ended up deciding I wanted to try to complete the 50 mile (this is where the stupidity comes in). Melissa Martinez-Sharp, Bad Dawg's race director and all around wonderful person, was gracious enough to let me upgrade my entry and not tell me that I was crazy. It was a great day! - Karen Latham Olson

Very painful run with amazing people! First, and possibly only, 100k in the books. I’m dying and I’m going to bed. Lol - Amanda Banks

I have no words (that’s 31 miles if you don’t know). - Jill Brockman (about Jozie’s finish)

So there you have it friends. Find people who inspire you to do hard things and stick around to do them with you. This will not only keep you motivated to make it to the finish line of the Bass Pro Marathon/half but will give you the wisdom and ability to pass the baton on to someone else who is debating on doing something hard. But just don't tell them to do it. Be like the rest of the "crazy community" of runners around these parts and help them get it done. 

Happy Running!

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