Sunday, August 28, 2022

Kindness makes you a better witness

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23 ESV

In an article titled, “Here’s how kindness will make you a better runner,” published by TrailRunning magazine recently, Renowned ultrarunner, coach and co-author (with his wife, Megan Roche) of The Happy Runner, David Roche, said, “Most of us feel far more comfortable talking to strangers on a trail than we would on a street. If you see someone struggling a little out there, you’ve probably been in that situation yourself, and you have some empathy for them. That person you stopped to give a high-five to mid-race when you noticed them struggling hits the finish-line all smiles and tears, and you’ll feel their success like it’s your own. Roche explains that by building your running community, you will tend to be more process-focused and less results-focused (which will, in turn, help you run faster).” Roche summed up the concept of being a beacon of cheer when he said: “Spread the love, because life is too short and uncertain and scary to spend it alone, withholding affection.”

And you know, extending kindness will not only make us better runners, but will make us better witnesses for Christ as well. Think about it. In an age marked by selfishness, impatience, and meanness where everyone seems to be out for number one, patience and kindness (which go together) seem to be in very short supply. Which is the very reason, when kindness and patience are displayed—to someone who doesn’t expect it, may not be deserving of it, and can never repay it—it can have such a profound effect on a person and leave them wondering, “Why was that woman or man so nice to me? What sets them apart to behave in such an unusual way?”

So practice kindness and patience at every opportunity my friend. Look for ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus in your day-to-day life and strive to display ALL the fruits of the Spirit at ALL times so that people would be drawn to the One who can take hearts of stone and replace them with hearts of flesh.

Heavenly father, thank You for your presence in our lives. Thank you for the Holy Spirit who lives inside us and allows us to behave in ways that are contrary to the flesh. Help us to take up our crosses daily and to deny ourselves so that we would be set apart from the world Lord. We ask that You open up doors for us to be your hands and feet today so that we could draw the lost to the foot of the Cross. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. .

Happy Running!

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