Sunday, June 6, 2021

The ultimate title

"His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’" Matthew 25:27 ESV

Meeting up well before the 9:00 a.m. start of the organized 10k race we were scheduled to run Saturday morning, I set out with my friends Gretchen and Jeanette to get in at least 7 miles beforehand, so that when we were finished with the "official" 6.2 mile run, we would have completed the virtual half-marathon Jeanette had registered for. That's what friends do right? That's what ultra-running friends do, that's for sure. Something that didn't escape the attention of the race director (who happens to be a friend of mine as well) who had spotted us running before the race started and then met us after we made the turn-around on the out and back course. As he approached us (another friend, Angi, had joined us at the start line) in a UTV and motioned for us to move to the other side, we reacted slow enough for him to laugh and yell, "You ultra-runners never listen!" He wasn't the only one that laughed either. We all had a good chuckle after which Gretchen (who ran her first ultra in November and is training for another  one) said, "I just loved that he called me an ultra-runner. Wow! That makes me feel good. I never dreamed I would have that title." 

And you know, that "title" of ultra-runner, or person who consistently runs distances of 31 miles or more, was earned by hard work, lots of hard work. But as great as that "title" is, it pales in comparison to the one every Christian should be striving with all their might to hold... that of a "good and faithful servant." And just how might a person claim the right to be called that from the Master? It all comes down to this: we must love God more than anything, and love others sincerely (Mark 12:30–31). At the judgment seat of Christ, those who are faithful to the Lord who saved them, and have worked with all their might, will then hear those words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Could there be any better title bestowed upon us or words we could ever hear? 

So remember this my friend, our spiritual race is not a sprint. It’s a long, hard, arduous run filled with trials, pain, obstacles, temptations and fatigue. But it’s a race that’s well worth completing despite the hardships we will encounter along the way. Especially when we consider the title we will have earned by staying faithful until we reach that final finish line. So keep pressing on. It will be worth it!

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that there are rewards for taking the time, gifts and talents You have given us and using them to build your Kingdom. Compel us to work, love and serve with all our might all the days of our lives Lord that we might hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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