Monday, June 28, 2021

Clothe yourself properly

"Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." Colossians 3:12 NLT

While talking to Laura, one of my dearest friends and running buddies, yesterday morning I listened with a smile on my face as she joyfully shared the story of what happened at her daughter's birthday celebration over the weekend. "I received the best compliment I could ever receive," she told me. "Our neighbors that have been going to church with us for the past few months came to the party this weekend and told me that when they first moved in they were like, 'Oh no! We moved next to a Bible thumper!' Isn't that great that they thought that of me? And now, after more than a year of talking to them, allowing them to see the way we live and then having their kids over to join mine to do some Easter crafts, they joined Frankie (her husband) and me for worship services. Did you know that he admitted that when he first met us that he was in a place where he didn't care for or even want Jesus? And he actually said this about himself and his wife, 'And now look at us. We love the Lord.'" And now look at us? Wow! Because they saw Christ in Laura, this couple was drawn to Jesus and can now say, "We love the Lord."

And you know, just as it was apparent with Laura, people should be able to tell that there is something different about us; they should be able to see that we are followers of Jesus without us ever having to profess our beliefs out loud. And they can see this by our actions... by our "tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." All actions that are fruits of the Spirit and not of the flesh. And they are not of the flesh because the flesh is incapable of continually exhibiting them. You see, there are many people that can exhibit these characteristics occasionally but it's only by the Holy Spirit that we can adopt them as our pattern of behavior... a pattern that becomes obvious to others because it is directly contrary to the way the world acts and is a pattern of behavior that has the power to lead others to the foot of the Cross. 

So in your mission to win the lost, remember this my friend... actions speak louder than words and people are always watching. Remember that you're not perfect so grant yourself some grace but never give up pursuing to be "the holy people" God chose us to be so that we might glorify Him and bring others into the family. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we must clothe ourselves with the fruits of the Spirit each and every day if we are to be set apart and make a difference in our world. Cause us to know that we are always being watched Lord especially as the end days draw nearer that we might be ever more cautious to behave in ways that glorify You and shine your light into this dark world. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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