Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Keep the zeal

"Do not let your zeal subside; keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." Romans 12:11

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Emmy nominated actor Sterling K. Brown ran 10 miles on his 21st birthday just to see if he could run double-digit mileage and continued that birthday tradition every year until he was 30. "Nowadays," he said, "four miles is my sweet spot... if I get in four miles four to five days a week, I'm happy." And his motivation for changing from an uncommitted annual runner to a committed weekly one? Zeal. Sterling says, "I’ve got a psychological zeal about running." In other words, he has developed an inner dedication or enthusiasm for the sport that drives him to continue pressing on.

And when it comes to having a passion for something, specifically for doing those things God has called us to, the Bible reminds us to never let our "zeal subside". In other words, we should never let our enthusiasm and eagerness to serve the Lord decline, dwindle or diminish in any way. And no matter how it is that we are asked to serve, we should keep such a "spiritual fervor" while doing it that our passion and love for "serving the Lord" will be obvious to those around us. 

So how would you rate your level of zeal today? Are you on fire and excited about serving Him? Or merely looking to check it off your to-do list? If the latter describes you, remember that it's never too late to rekindle the love my friend. Simply pray that God would start a fire in your soul. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for your many blessings. Help us to grasp just how amazing and wonderful you are that we would be excited once again to serve you. And no matter what job you have called us to do, whether it be cleaning the church bathrooms, working in the nursery or serving on a committee, let us be so joyful in doing it that others would see our "zeal". It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Start a fire - Unspoken

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