Tuesday, March 7, 2017

I will trust in you

"When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Psalm 11:3

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As a runner and a race director, I have come to realize that no matter how carefully an event is planned, there are always going to be things that are absolutely and completely out of my control or anyone else's. Take the weather for instance. When picking Saturday's date for our ultra-marathon, I certainly could not have known that a cold front was going to move in unexpectedly like a slap to the face. And while the race will still take place, it certainly won't be as comfortable as I'd hoped and prayed for.

And unfortunately for you and me, there will be always be more things than the weather that will be out of our control. Our best made plans can instantly be torn apart by disease, death, divorce or disasters that seemingly move in, like a slap to the face, from out of nowhere. It's during these times we can feel as if our world is falling apart. David certainly did when he begged the question, "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" You see, being God's anointed king did not make him immune to trials or tragedy. He, like us, experienced things that were completely out of his control. But the one thing David knew that gave him comfort was that, during these times, God was always in control.

And no matter what you and I may be going through, if our foundations are shaking and we are looking for answers wondering "what can the righteous do?", we can have that same assurance. The blessed assurance David had when he wrote, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."(Psalm 56:3) Won't you trust in Him today? After all, that's most definitely what the righteous would do.

Heavenly Father, thank you for promising that you would always be with us. When we are afraid and feel like our world is falling apart, help us to know that you hear our every prayer and see our every tear. And when we don't understand why some things happen, may we simply rest in your presence and trust in you. 

Happy Running!!!

I will trust in you - Lauren Daigle

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