Monday, December 12, 2016


"The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" (which means "God with us")." Matthew 1:23

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Yesterday morning Nike announced the launch of their project titled Breaking2 that has a single goal... to break the two hour marathon time in a special 26.2 mile race in 2017. When looking at it's chances of success though, consider this. The current world record for the marathon is 2:02:57 set by Dennis Kimetto of Kenya in Berlin in 2014. In mathematical terms, that required keeping a speed of just under 13 miles an hour for two hours which is why it is almost unimaginable for anyone to run any faster. So unimaginable is this goal that, if successful, Nike says it will be the most significant moment in running since Roger Bannister's first sub-four-minute mile in 1954.

You know the Bible tells us of an even more unimaginable event that took place almost two thousand years ago. An event that was so spectacular that it could only be described as the most significant moment in history since the world was formed. What was it? The birth of Jesus of course. But what's even harder to imagine than the Savior being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to a virgin was that this King, this Mighty God, would leave his throne to meet us where we are, to literally become "God with us." 

What kind of king would do that for us? What other ruler would abandon his home for us? It's just unimaginable isn't it? But praise God it's true and it's also true that He is still with us today. Through the Holy Spirit, Christ is present with each and every believer. John McArthur writes, "If we could condense all the truths of Christmas into three words, these would be the words: 'God with us.'"

Heavenly Father, thank you for doing the unimaginable. For abandoning Heaven to become flesh to live among us and to eventually die for us. As we prepare to celebrate your birth, may we cherish in our hearts the greatest sacrifice of all time. Thank you Lord for loving us that much. It's in your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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