Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Life Preserver

"That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe." 1 Timothy 4:10

Last Tuesday, during an early morning run along Lake Michigan, John Corba spotted a man struggling in the water nearly 30 yards from shore. "This guy was about to go under," said Corba, 43, who lived nearby. He and two other runners quickly jumped into action while a woman called 911. Their combined efforts worked to rescue the man from the water and get him to the hospital. Godfred Hansen-Nord, the first runner to jump in, said he called out to see if the man needed help but got no response. "At the time when I jumped in, his head was about to go underwater, he was done, basically." 

It's no coincidence that these runners were there. God is in the business of saving lives every day and using his believers to help when necessary. And I love that the Darby Bible Translation describes God in this scripture as the "preserver of all men". Yes, you could definitely say that He is our life preserver! When we are about to go under or are drowning from our sin, regret, financial difficulties, family problems, worries or worldly pressures, he is there to save us by throwing out a lifeline and saying, "Do not be afraid—I will save you. I have called you by name—you are mine. When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you." (Isaiah 43:1-2). 

Do you believe that today? If you're about to go underwater, put your "hope in the living God", our Savior and Preserver for He has promised to be with us through it all. Simply grab the lifeline.

Heavenly Father, thank you for throwing us the lifeline when we are drowning in our worries and troubles. Thank you putting those believers in our path that help us to shore when we can barely keep our heads above water. And Lord, thank you for promising to save us, for calling us by name, for promising to be with us through deep waters and for keeping our troubles from overwhelming us. You are indeed our Life Preserver. It's in your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Thank you God for saving me - Chris Tomlin


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