Monday, June 12, 2023

Overcome Every Obstacle

“You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecutions, sufferings—what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them. ” 2 Timothy 3:10,11 NIV

In a heartwaring story posted by Runner’s World last week, it was reported that Hoda Elshorbagy would be competing for the first time in the professional wheelchair division at the New York Mini 10k. What makes this story so inspiring though is the story behind the story. When she was eight months old, Elshorbagy received an expired polio vaccination. Instead of preventing her from getting polio, she says the vaccine gave her polio and left her almost completely paralyzed. For the next 16 years, Elshorbagy underwent 13 surgeries as doctors attempted to restore her mobility. Now 33 years old, she is able to stand and walk with crutches. In 2016, Elshorbagy learned about wheelchair racing by watching the Paralympic Games on television at home with her dad. Seeing American wheelchair racing legend Tatyana McFadden blaze around the track to win gold in the 1500 meters captivated her. “I decided from that day that I will do this sport no matter what the obstacle is, and I will go through it and I will reach my goal.” Do you just love Hoda’s determination to make to it to the finish line or what?

And you know, it’s this same attitude that says, “No matter what the obstacle is, I will go through it and I will reach my goal,” that Paul urged Timothy to have—serving as Timothy’s role model as he worked his way to the finish line, all the while standing firm on the Truth no matter the consequences. And let me tell you, Paul faced a lot of obstacles! Something he pointed out to Timothy by saying “You, however, know… the persecutions I endured.” He warned Timothy that the obstacles would only become greater the closer the time came for Jesus’ return—but hoped the example he set would spur Timothy (and us) to stay faithful until the end. 

So let us make it our goal to endure and overcome anything that comes our way, looking to the example of Paul and other faithful followers. We are in the final stretch my friend. Let’s keep pressing on!
Heavenly Father, thank You for laying out in the Bible all things we can expect to experience in these end days. Lord help us to stay faithful and to patiently endure the obstacles that will be in our path as we make our way to the finish line. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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