Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about something you will never hear a runner (at least a half-sane one anyway) say in July or August, "Boy, I really wish it was hotter and more humid." Heat and humidity just make for a miserable run. And the weather combination definitely does a number on a person's pace and overall performance. Am I right? Which is the very reason many runners hop on the treadmill when the feel-like temp feels like death.

But guess what? Did you now that there are benefits of running in the heat and humidity? It's true. Check out these three benefits below and get outside where the view of nature beats the view of Netflix any day: 


Many runners are aware of the benefits of altitude training. While no one is contesting its validity, some would argue that running on hot and humid days is even better than altitude training. As has been detailed in the Human Kinetics Journals: “Altitude training can provide an increased oxygen-carrying capacity, a more efficient use of oxygen, and a better ability to tolerate anaerobic metabolism; heat training has the ability to increase plasma volume and reduce cardiovascular and thermoregulatory strain.” In a nutshell, this means that running on hot and humid days will stress your cardiovascular system, thus making it stronger and causing less strain over time.


Running when it is hot and humid is going to increase your heart rate more than if temps were a bit cooler. Because the cardiovascular system is being stressed (and since your heart is a primary component to that system), it is going to strengthen it overall, which will have a positive impact on your daily life — most notably in the form of a lower resting heart rate. Overall, a lower resting heart rate is indicative of good health and physical fitness. Thus, folks who have a lower resting heart rate are less likely to suffer from cardiac events such as heart attacks.


One of the greatest benefits of running in humid weather is that doing so sets you up to be a better runner overall. The reason for this (aside from the aforementioned benefits) is that you are pushing yourself and increasing the difficulty of your run. Ultimately, this will serve to not only strengthen your body in various ways but it will also help to increase your mental fortitude, allowing you to push for harder and longer when the weather is a bit more forgiving.

Now that we have established that there are some legitimate benefits to running in the heat and humidity, let's look at 20 tips to make it a bit more manageable and/or enjoyable:

Allow time to adjust to the heat. If you live in a climate that changes from cold to hot, give yourself two weeks to adjust to running in the heat. During this time do easy base runs at a relaxed pace. Focus on your effort level more than your running times and speed.

Check humidity. Humidity can make a big difference in how hot you get while running. If humidity is high, it prevents sweat from evaporating on the skin, which can quickly lead to overheating of your brain and organs. When humidity is above 40%, it makes the heat feel more intense and impedes the body’s ability to cool itself. When you check the weather, look at the heat index, which accounts for the temperature and humidity. If humidity is high and the temperature is high, consider working out inside. If you do run outdoors, go slow, stay in the shade and bring plenty of water with electrolytes.

Avoid intense workouts on hot days. It is a myth that only beginning runners are affected by the heat. In fact, going faster generates more heat, so elite athletes are especially at risk of being affected by the heat. Avoid speed workouts and fast-paced runs on hot days. Do some relaxed pace base miles instead and save the speed workouts and long runs for cooler days or the treadmill.

Prehydrate before your run by drinking 16 ounces (2 cups) of water two hours before your run.
This is also a good time to have a meal or snack. And 15 minutes before your run, drink another 6 to 8 ounces (about a cup) of water. 

Hydrate on the run. Bring hydration on your run. Everyone’s sweat rates vary, as does the amount of heat you are dealing with, so I recommend listening to your body and drinking when you’re thirsty. A good basic hydration guideline for running in the heat is to drink a minimum of 4 to 6 ounces every 20 minutes (4 ounces is half a cup).

Take electrolytes. When we sweat, we lose essential minerals through sweat, including sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Put an electrolyte tablet in your water or opt for a sports drink with electrolytes for hot weather running. If you go the sports drink route, look for low-sugar options. 

Wear moisture-wicking clothing.
Running clothes with moisture-wicking fabrics will help you stay dry and keep your body temperature more regulated when running in high temperatures. Look for lightweight, loose clothing made of synthetic moisture-wicking materials such as polyester and nylon.

Wear light colors.
Lighter colors absorb less heat and darker colors absorb heat so opt for lighter colors.

Protect against the sun.
Wear a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to shield against harmful UV rays. Consider wearing a moisture wicking long sleeve shirt as well. You can generally find these in the fishing department. 

Avoid peak heat hours. Avoid running at peak heat times, which are between 10 am to 2 pm. Run in the early morning or later in the evening to avoid the hottest times. I recommend running in the early mornings as much as possible because the heat often lingers for hours after sundown.

Stick to the shade. If you have to run when it’s sunny, stay in shady areas. Running near water, by trees, and in shade from buildings helps diffuse some of the heat. Try to avoid blacktop and cement as much as possible as it holds more heat. Of course, if you’re running in a big city like me, avoiding concrete is not always possible, and sometimes running in the shade of buildings is the best you can do.

Adjust your training schedule.
We runners can get caught up in numbers and stats and stick to training plans no matter what, but sometimes Mother Nature has other plans. If your only option is running in heat and humidity, you will need to adjust your training program. This can mean cutting miles from long runs, rescheduling speed workouts, or doing shorter runs in general.

Adjust your route.
If you are running in the heat, look at your route and revise if needed. Sometimes you will need to cut your running route to be shorter, in a shadier place (a park instead of a track, for instance), or to go by a water stop. Do what you need to do to make sure you have the best chance of staying hydrated and cool on your run.

Run with someone. Having a running buddy improves your safety while running in heat and humidity. If you or your running partner gets too hot, then you can stop and help each other to get out of the heat and cool down. Note, if your dog is your running buddy, you should not run with your dog in the heat. If the temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) and the humidity percent totals 150 or more, do not bring your dog on the run. See our tips for running with your dog for more guidelines on running with your furry friend.

Share your location.
If you run alone, it’s a good idea to share your location, especially if you’re running in heat and humidity. Running apps such as Strava have the option to share your location with a trusted contact, or you can use a safety app like ROAD iD to share your location. 

Be flexible. Be willing to adjust your workout program for the heat. Many runners I coach get frustrated with their slower times during the summer months, but that is normal, given the heat. You will run slower than usual in the heat. For every 5°F rise in temperature above 60°F, your running pace will slow by as much as 20 to 30 seconds per mile.

Check your meds and alcohol consumption.
Limit your alcohol intake during periods of high heat. Also, be aware of your medications and their possible effects on hydration. Alcohol, antihistamines, and antidepressants can have dehydrating effects. If possible, don’t consume dehydrating medications right before your run. Still take your prescription medications of course but talk with your doctor about any heat-related risks and how to mitigate them.

Consider your age.
Heat affects people more as they get older. Sweat glands become less efficient as we age. More than 80 percent of the estimated 12,000 people in the U.S. who die of heat-related causes annually are over age 60, according to Climate Central. If you’re at an increased risk of heat illness based on your age, talk with your doctor about when it’s too hot for you to exercise outside, and always err on the side of caution.

Know the signs of heat illness.
Signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke include heavy sweating, cold, pale, and clammy skin, a fast, weak pulse, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, tiredness, weakness, dizziness, headaches, and fainting. If you experience any of these symptoms, move to a cool, dry place, drink water or a sports drink, and put cool, wet cloths on your body or take a cool bath. The signs of heat stroke include the same symptoms of heat exhaustion but more intense, with a high body temperature (103°F or higher), confusion, and losing consciousness. Call 911 for immediate assistance if you or someone you’re with has a heat stroke.

Exercise indoors.
If you’re in a heat wave that won’t relent or you must exercise during peak heat hours, then do an indoor workout. Run on the treadmill, lift weights, go to the gym, or do a HIIT workout at home. The key is to be flexible and stay protected from the most intense heat and humidity.

So there you have it friends. As we begin week three of the OMRR Bass Pro Training, let us embrace the coming heat and humidity wisely knowing that it's going to help prepare us for the those fall races in the Bass Pro Fitness Series of events. Interestingly enough, there have been a few years when temps on race day were way above average and I was thankful for those summer training runs. As someone who's run the Bass Pro Marathon more than ten times, I know being prepared for every condition pays off! And hey, if it happens to be cool on race day, the heat training will have you cruising to the finish line with a smile on your face. 

Happy Training and Happy Running!

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