Tuesday, November 1, 2022

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - It’s almost race day!

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about Marathon Weekend!!

Can you believe that race day is almost here??? Just a few more wakeups and, God willing, you and I will be stepping up to the start line to put all our training into action. I don't know about you but I'm excited! The Bass Pro Marathon is my favorite 26.2 mile race and I'm looking forward to pacing the 5:30 group with my amazing co-pacer, Jody. As a matter of fact, ALL of the Bass Pro Marathon/Half Marathon pacers are enthusiastic and eager to help you make it to the finish line. So much so that they've listed some tips below that will help you. 

To show you what jokesters your pacers are though (something you'll appreciate when they make you laugh when you feel like crying), I've listed the comments they made to one another in the group chat before I went in and calmed them down (something that's akin to herding cats as pacers are known for being 'different') to give you a heartfelt chuckle. 

So without further ado.... here we go!

Carry fireball shooters - Melissa Merrell

Tip 1) Follow Us
Tip 2) Follow Us - Adam Irvin

Trust your training (or in the Irvin’s case, lack of training) - Charlie Hungerford 

Don’t try wearing new gear! (Shoes, shorts, etc.) - Jenni Sherman 

Unless you’re a pacer, then you get to wear a cool new shirt. - Charlie

Keep it easy this week! Don’t forget breakfast and hydrate! Poop before the race! - Jaunine Marie

Hydration and salt...don't forget the salt. Looking at the forecast with a high of 66 that means it will be more like 86 when you're running. You'll be sweating more than you think and the loss of salt will sneak up on you. - Angie Fellers Beard

Hay is already in the barn….be smart this week and don’t try and force any last ditch hard workouts. Smile, you’ll do better and probably enjoy the suffering more too! - Mike

Have fun and remember you GET to do this!- Kyla Mahoney

Listen to your pacers. Listen to your body. Hydrate. Most of all. Have fun!!! - Randy Acklin

Trust your training, trust your pacers. No matter what have fun and remember you paid to do this. - Shelley Ann

Well…. I don’t think this group actually PAID to do this… - Chad Johnson

Have fun. If you start to feel bad and question yourself remember your why. - Rachel Baker

Don't overdress. Shorts and short sleeves, max. Long sleeves in a drop bag for after party! - Lali

Also I wish someone had told me to grab ALL the food before you leave the gate area because they absolutely will not let you back in for seconds. - Kyla

They will toss bagels over the fence though. - Lali Marie

Run your own race. - Kyla

Make sure to have your carry (nutrition) gels etc. I had a lot of new runners that had nothing on them and felt horrible because I didn’t have enough for me and them on me at the time we were running. - Jenni

Don’t start out faster than you have trained. You’ll need that energy later in the race. I wished someone had told me to enjoy the experience. Look around you. Talk to other runners/pacers. Walk if/when you need too. Eat well the night before. Get plenty of rest (if you can). Start hydrating on Friday. Wear sunscreen. - Charlie

Keep from going out too fast Mentally break up the race into manageable chunks Save your energy for 
hills or other challenging portions of the course -Jaunine

Relax enough to enjoy the course....the pretty fall colors, the fun aid stations. Remember to be grateful that you CAN run. - Janet

Remember which neighborhood cheered the best so you can vote for them after you finish I always fail at this - Lali Marie

Hydrate early, even when you think you don’t need to. - Mitch Wilkins

Don't forget body glide. Carry your electrolyte drink and use the course water if you haven't used the course provided electrolyte in training.- Ben Byrd

Run your race! Breathe! Enjoy the moment and don’t dress too warm, if do layers with throw aways! - Seth Michael

My advice. Finishing is winning. It's not a race. Run how you feel. Also, find someone in front of you to "pull" you. - Erika Ashley

Two things - first the most important meals will be two days before the marathon. It's actually easy to overeat the night before. Light meal or no meal the morning of the marathon. Pack jells/power blocks. Hydrate with some salt/electro light product is good. Emphasis on doing most of this the night before. Note - As this is my first Bass Pro, I hope there are plenty of water breaks along the way as I only pack water when I train. - Dave Hardwick
*As someone who has run the Bass Pro Marathon many times, I'll calm his fear and yours. There are PLENTY of water breaks along the way. You'll be well hydrated!

So there you have it friends. Those are some great tips that I hope will help you cross the finish line with a smile on your face. And believe me, you'll want to be smiling for those photographers waiting at the end so you can share the photos that will give you bragging rights! As someone who has had their fair share of bad race pics, I now look for those amazing people snapping photos and smile big even if I'm not feeling it. If you do it right, you'll end up with an epic profile picture. In addition to that bit of advice, let me offer you my best advice... remember what a blessing it is to be able to run and walk. Breathe in the sights and smells of the day and make a conscious decision to be grateful for every breath and every step. Movement at any speed truly is a gift from the Creator. So smile big, run with all your heart, make some new friends, and have a great time!!


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