Sunday, July 25, 2021

Don't neglect meeting together

“Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25 BSB

As I worshiped with my friends and fellow believers in church yesterday morning I couldn’t help but look up and smile. Here I was once again surrounded by some amazing people; people who I credited with helping me to stay faithful throughout the many trials, tests and struggles I had faced since becoming a member nearly two decades ago. I smiled because the previous day I had run with a group of the same type of friends; an amazing group of running buddies who encouraged and helped one another complete their training runs (different distances) despite the high humidity and triple-digit feel like temps. In fact, as the heat and humidity rose Saturday afternoon and I continued on, I couldn't help but think about how hard it would have been to complete my weekly long run without my friends Gretchen and Jody (whose training plan also called for a 20 mile-day and were still running with me) by my side. The mutual encouragement we provided one another was absolutely paramount in our remaining fixed on the goal despite the hardships the day threw at us. But that’s why God was so gracious to give us friends. They spur us on to do things we would never be able to do on our own. They incite us to keep pressing on when the race gets tough.

And you know, that’s the exact reason God gave us our Christian brothers and sisters--and the very reason the Bible warns us "to not neglect meeting together" with them "as some have made a habit." Which is the reason 'attending' services online rather than in-person, as some have made a habit of doing, is so detrimental to our walk with Christ. You see, while internet 'church' might serve to educate a person, there is no fellowship in it. And it’s in the fellowship that we grow stronger as a body of believers so that when the race of life gets hard we can band together. There’s just absolutely no substitute for meeting together. This is true in the running world and it’s true in our Christian walk. And especially as we see the end times drawing near--times Paul warned us would get very tough, times when we will the need help, edification, teaching and encouragement that only our Christian brothers and sisters can provide.

So make every effort to meet together with your friends and family as often as you can. They will not only motivate you to stand strong and keep running the race when it gets hard and you want to give up but will run with you all the way to the finish line. There’s just no substitute for meeting in person.

Heavenly Father we thank you for this reminder that we need in person fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Remind us that this is something that can’t be done over the internet. Help us to lay aside our fears to do this very thing all the more as we see the Day approaching knowing that these are the relationships that will give us the strength to remain faithful amidst the coming trials, tests, and tribulations. 

Happy Running!!!

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