Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Welcome them as family

"Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring glory to God." Romans 15:7 BSB

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“What a great start to the day," I thought to myself as I smiled and breathed in the brisk morning air while walking to church last Sunday morning. After having spent time in the Word earlier and getting in a run on the streets of El Paso, I was excited at the thought of not having to skip worship just because I was on vacation but was, I admit, a tad bit anxious as to how an outsider would be welcomed in this new church I had discovered after an online search. Upon stepping in the doors though, my angst was completely calmed. "It's so nice to have you here," the friendly greeter said as she took my hands in hers and then gave me a hug. And before the service even began, I was welcomed again by the pastor and several other church members. "Oh Lord," I prayed silently as I closed my eyes and fought back tears at their kindness, "may we all treat one another like 'family' no matter what building we happen to be in."

And you know, when it comes to treating our brothers and sisters as 'family,' Paul was clear that believers are to "accept one another" just as Christ accepted us. You see, Paul knew that the church (not the building but the body of believers) would need to work together and view themselves as 'one' in order to be all that God created it to be and so prayed for the unity and harmony of the church - knowing that when God's 'family' was unified in their goal to serve Him by serving alongside their fellow believers, the church as a whole would be better equipped to "bring glory to God."

So let us always remember that we are in this race together my friend with one mission - to know God and to make his Name known among the nations. And we can only do this when we are united in the purpose of bringing "glory to God." So welcome your fellow believers as 'family' knowing that's what Christ would do.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the 'family' of believers that we are a part of. Help us to see one another as brothers and sisters of the whole church that we might work and worship in harmony with one another to do amazing things for the Kingdom that will bring You glory. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Build Your Kingdom Here

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