Wednesday, September 13, 2017

When life sets you back

"Peter declared, “Even if everyone else deserts you, I will never desert you.” Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, Peter—this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny three times that you even know me.” Matthew 26:33,34

Image result for discouraged runner pic

Setbacks in training are never ideal, but they happen to every runner. Just ask Steve who posed this question to the experts at Runners World Magazine: I was planning to do my 20-mile run, but for various reasons life got in the way. Just terrible weather, I felt tired, and family obligations piled up... How much does this set me back? Wisely, he was advised that this wasn't really a setback (as it takes two weeks of doing no exercise to lose endurance) and to take care of the interruptions and his bigger responsibilities first, and then get back to training as soon as he could.

Unfortunately, setbacks or failures, don't just occur in running but also in life. Whether it's due to circumstances out of our control or by our own behavior, all of us will fail...and sometimes fail miserably. Peter certainly knew that when he failed to keep his promise to Jesus after he vowed, "I will never desert you." But as we all know, before the rooster crowed Peter had denied him three times. Talk about the ultimate setback in a person's walk with Christ. But because Peter knew that he was forgiven, he got back up and went on to do great things for the Kingdom. You could even say that he became a "rock" star.  

Maybe you have experienced a setback in your walk with Jesus today too? Maybe you've slipped back into some habit that you know is wrong or even denied him? Well you don't have to stay down my friend. Today is a great day for a comeback... a great day to declare, "My failure doesn't define me, God's forgiveness does."

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that clearly tells us that if we admit our sins and truly repent that you will forgive and cleanse us of them. Help us to remember that your forgiveness means that those sins are forgotten and that we can, like Peter, move past them to a new life. A life devoted to following you and doing great things for your glory. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Danny Gokey - The Comeback

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