Monday, November 14, 2016

right here, right now

"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:14

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Yesterday's headlines from WSVN news in Fort Lauderdale Florida reported that a runner had been struck and killed by an SUV while participating in the Michelob Ultra Half Marathon on Sunday morning. Witnesses said the impact was so great that it sent the man flying into the air leaving one running shoe on the pavement. Surely this is not how this man expected the day to end right? When he left home, excited and nervous about the race, he most likely gave no thought to the idea that it might be his last time walking out the door. Had he known how things would turn out, perhaps he would have done things differently?

Truthfully though, we would probably all live our lives differently if we knew it could be our last day wouldn't we? Well the truth is, right here and right now could very well be the last moments we have. James 4:14 reminds us of that when it says you and I, "do not even know what will happen tomorrow". Wouldn't it be wise then to live 'differently' starting today? To serve and love others so that, no matter what happens, we will have lived a life of purpose?

With that in mind I say we all make today matter. Tell those people you love that you love them. Tell someone about Jesus. Let go of those grudges and let forgiveness rule in your heart. Stop for a moment to enjoy the sunset. Praise Him for each footstep you count on your morning run. But mostly, right here and right now live with purpose-confident as you lay your head down to rest that, should tomorrow never come, today you made a difference.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the many blessings you give us each and everyday. We know we take so many of them for granted Lord. Starting right here and right now,  may we strive to love others, serve others and to make a difference in someone's life each and every day. It's in your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Love like Jesus - Rhett Walker Band

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