Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Condemned no more

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus," Romans 8:1

Can you remember what you were doing on this very day last year? Or the year before? Thanks to the Facebook app, On This Day, the reminders of what I did and where I was 'pop up' without warning. And while most of these memories are great (like runs with friends), there's a few of them I would like to forget. I'd guess that most of us would say that we have done things in the past that we wish would never 'pop up' again. And even if we were able to overlook those transgressions, eventually someone or something would remind us of them and the guilt and shame would convict us once again. But it doesn't have to be that way if we believe the promise that, "there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

In a courtroom, to have “no condemnation” declared means to be found innocent of the accusation, to have no sentence inflicted and no guilty verdict found. This is what Jesus has done for you and me. He has declared us not guilty and set us free. He has opened the door of the cell, yet it's you and me who keep ourselves there. We are the ones refusing to be granted a pardon, to be forgiven and relieved of the guilt and shame we hold on to. In the song No More, Josh Wilson sings, "So why do I keep coming back again? God I'm done with holding on to sins that you have saved me from. I'm ready to let go of who I've been."

Let today be the day we let go of the person we once were declaring, "No more guilt, no more shame, no more thinking I can't change. Who I was is dead and gone, who I am is moving on. Saved by grace, held by love because of what your cross has done. You pulled away the prison doors. Hallelujah God, I am condemned no more! I am condemned no more!"

Heavenly Father, thank you for the promise that our sins are forgiven and we are free the day we accepted you. Help us to live our lives remembering that there is no need to suffer guilt or shame for the things we have done when you, the Almighty God of the Universe, has declared us not guilty. Doing so only keeps us from moving forward and living a life worthy of the debt Christ paid. It's in your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

No More - Josh Wilson

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