Sunday, May 19, 2024

Be Vigilant at all Times

“He lies in wait near the villages; from ambush he murders the innocent. His eyes watch in secret for his victims; like a lion in cover he lies in wait. He lies in wait to catch the helpless; he catches the helpless and drags them off in his net.” Psalm 10:8-9 NIV

In a harrowing story published by Los Angeles 4 News last week, it was reported that a man was arrested in an attack on a woman who was running on a beach path in Santa Monica when she was dragged by her hair before witnesses intervened. The attack was reported Monday morning in the 2000 block of Ocean Front Walk. The Venice resident was running on the beach path when she was grabbed from behind by her ponytail, knocked to the ground and dragged toward restrooms. Witnesses stepped in to stop the attack and called police. He was identified as 48-year-old Malcolm Ward Jr., a homeless man who was on parole at the time of the arrest, police said. Ward was charged with felony counts of kidnapping, assault with intent to commit rape, and violation of parole, according to the police department statement. The victim suffered minor injuries, police said.

And you know, while this type of depravity and evil behavior is definitely on the rise, it’s certainly nothing new as the writer of Psalm 10 clearly understood and of which Martin Luther said “There is not, in my judgment, a Psalm which describes the mind, the manners, the works, the words, the feelings, and the fate of the ungodly with so much propriety, fullness, and light, as this Psalm.” You see, these cowardly people lie in wait to ambush and murder the innocent as Malcolm Ward did. They aren’t manful or honorable enough to openly fight those who might effectively fight back but secretly watch and wait for the opportunity to hurt the helpless and drag them off to do them harm. 

So, knowing that lawlessness will only increase as the end days draw nearer, keep your eyes on Jesus and be aware of your surroundings at all times my friend. After all, you and I aren’t just in a physical battle to keep our bodies protected from danger but in a spiritual battle to keep our hearts, minds, and souls safe as well, from an enemy who is (and will continue to be) relentless in his pursuit to destroy us. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that believers are never truly safe in this world. Knowing that, please help us to remain vigilant both physically and spiritually by training in the Word and working to keep ourselves physically fit every day so we can both discern and fend off the attacks of the enemy. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!

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