Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about a FREE, FAMILY FRIENDLY, and FUN event that's open to EVERYBODY and happening this FRIDAY that you do NOT want to miss.... the Bass Pro Shops Fitness Series AmBASSador Led Training Run!! Exciting right? We will meet at 5:30 p.m. at Mother's Brewing Company. The folks at BPFS had this to say about the upcoming adventure: Whether you are new to running or just looking for some extra miles, we welcome YOU to join the fun! The group will meet at 5:30p and will plan a 4-mile run in beautiful downtown Springfield. AmBASSadors will be running and jogging a variety of paces to accommodate all fitness levels. After the run, the group will hang out at Mother's Brewing to socialize and connect to this great community! Participants will also receive $1 off beer! This event is FREE and is just an opportunity to get everyone connected! Let us know if you are coming! 

Sounds like the most fun you can have on a Friday night right? I sure think so!! I mean what could be more enjoyable and entertaining than running a few miles with the group of crazy people who love the Bass Pro Fitness Series of events so much that they talk nonstop about it at every opportunity and constantly rock their race gear everywhere they go?

And just to entice you a little more, I've asked the 2024 Ambassadors to tell you a little bit about themselves (most all of them responded). That way, when you show up to the run and see them, you'll recognize them by name, know where they're from, why they're so passionate about spreading the love of the Bass Pro Fitness Series, and what their favorite race is. So without further ado, here we go! 

I’m Willard/Springfield born and raised. I love the fitness series because not only is it consistently the most well ran series of races, but because it gives back to so many charities that are close to my heart. Everyone involved in the series are just amazing people and I love to support that attitude and positivity in life. The marathon is my favorite simply because of the camaraderie. So many familiar faces are out there in the course and the spectator support is so amazing! And the course holds my PR - Cari Harrison

This is my first year as a bass pro ambassador, I have been a runner since middle school and lived in Springfield my whole life so far! I ran my first marathon in November of 23, which was the bass pro. I have ran the half twice with BP before that. I realized, I want to help so many others when it comes to running and I hope being an ambassador will lead people to get out more and see what races BP offers!! I’m excited for this year and all the races I have planned. My goal is 12 half marathons this year, with a PR of 1:45. The race I’m looking forward to in BP fitness series is marathon weekend! - Emilee Goddard

From: Baring, Mo but lived near Springfield the last 7 years. Favorite Event: Dogwood Canyon Challenge. But a close second will be Finley. Soo excited for this new race. Why I love BPFS: Supporting local races is important to me, for they give back to local organizations and charities that impact us locally. BP does an amazing job allocating resources to support charities and focuses on conservation as well. My step-mom is a wildlife biologist for MDC, so our childhood instilled principles of conservation and protecting wildlife. Bass Pro is an amazing advocate for wildlife conservation and these events inspire us to do the same. - Samantha Hoffman

I am from Ash Grove, MO and moved here with my husband back in 2018 to be closer to family. I am passionate about the Bass Pro Fitness Series because of the people it brings together. After we moved back, one of the first things my mother-in-law had me do was sign up for the Bass Pro Half Marathon, and then the Dogwood and a slew of other races. Of course I love the challenge, but it's become like another holiday for us when races come around. Everyone is in such good spirits, so supportive, and encouraging to the people around them. I love the outdoors and Bass Pro Fitness Series is all about getting people outside. If I had to pick a favorite, I'd say Dogwood is my favorite, so much so, we do the challenge every year so we get to be out there two days in a row. - Kimberly Mooneyham

I’m from Ozark, MO. I’ve been a BP Fitness Series ambassador since 2019. I’m passaionate about being an ambassador because the Bass Pro Fitness Series has given a lot to my family and I in the way of helping us create a life long love of being active and being outdoors. I want to share that with others. My favorite Bass Pro race has to be the Dogwood Canyon trail races. It is just a unique experience at one of the most beautiful places in the country. There is no other event like it. - Chad Johnson

I love training for races with the Bass Pro Fitness Series! By far my favorite race would have to be the Bass Pro Shops Cohick Half Marathon. I have completed several different events put on my Bass Pro Fitness Series however I have ran the Cohick Half Marathon more than all other events combined! I enjoy that I am able to train locally however often I would like to. I am able to run with friends and family nearby for training and for fun! When it comes to race day I am very familiar with the course I will be running. I have found it is much easier to hold training buddies accountable when we are close by and training regularly throughout the week. I have found that I enjoy the Cohick Half Marathon course so much as I know the area so well and the route is burned into my memory. I know where to expect more energy to be expelled and where I can take advantage of down hill and flat areas on the route. Half Marathons are a great distance for me as I know I am able to push as hard as I would like, most years within reason I am able to finish the course followed by a solid day of napping, and be ready for the next! - Kelley Flowers

I grew up in St Louis, then fell in love with a dairy farmer, so here I am in Ash Grove, Mo. I've participated in events across the state, traveling to Columbia and St. Louis, and even ventured to Illinois and Arkansas for events in neighboring states. However, those were more of one-time experiences. The events I can't imagine missing each year are the Bass Pro Fitness Series (BPFS) events! These events fully embrace the mindset of being with loved ones, giving your best effort with your current physical condition, all while surrounded by the grandeur of God's creation. The energy that the organizers and volunteers bring to these events makes you feel like you can conquer anything, just at the moment when you thought you couldn't possibly do it! It's hard to choose a favorite BPFS event because they are all of such high quality, but I do have a special fondness for Dogwood Canyon Trail Runs. Dogwood combines breathtaking beauty with extreme and unpredictable conditions. Sharing in such a challenging accomplishment creates bonds that are precious and not easily replicated elsewhere. For me, the value lies in the journey!! - Barbie Mooneyham

Marshfield Mo. I love Bass Pro fitness Series because of the positive, active people who coordinate all the events. Those who participate are so lucky to have such a great group of dedicated individuals in our community. Also, helping all the participants reach their goals is special to me. I love to cheer each of them on to the finish line. My favorite event is Dogwood. I have crowned myself Queen of Fire Ball Hill!!! - Heidi Thomas

Springfield, MO Favorite Bass Pro Races: Top of the Rock and Dogwood (Couldn't pick!) I love Top of the Rock and Dogwood for their uniqueness. Both races are truly nestled in nature and feel more tucked away from the rest of the world. The scenery is beautiful and I love hills. I'm passionate about Bass Pro Fitness Series because this series represents my favorite home town races. Also, I love how the fitness series engages people across Springfield from dedicated runners to people trying something new or dabbling with running. It's truly fun for all! - Rebecca Senn

Springfield , and my favorite BP race is Dogwood Canyon. The BP Series has a really special place in my running history. The races are managed so well, the amenities are top notch, and the people you encounter along the way during a race are great. My first time to run Dogwood was so challenging and so rewarding that I knew I would keep doing it. And I have! This will be my 9th time to run at Dogwood and my 10th time to do either the half or full during marathon weekend, and I have my half marathon PR on the Cohick course. - Charlie Hungerford

As a lifelong Springfield native and 34 year employee of BPS I have a passion for all things Bass Pro. Being a runner for over 48 years ties right in with the Fitness series. Being a trail runner any of the Dogwood Canyon races are my favorite. This year I plan on running the Conservation marathon for the first time. - Jimmy Brooks

Springfield, MO I run to stay healthy, mentally & physically. I run because I enjoy the alone time and the quality time with my kids. I run because I love nature and sunsets. I run because the running community is so positive and encouraging. I run to set an example of self-care to these girls. I run for the challenge, the high-fives, and the hugs at the finish line. I thought finishing my race was the best feeling, but I was wrong. Training with our girls and watching them finish their race is! My favorite race is the BPS Fitness Series half-marathon. - Rebecca Jeter

Currently living Ozark Missouri with my family! Why I'm passionate about the BP Fitness Series? Encouraging others to stay active and celebrating with them when goals are met!! And what your favorite BP race is and why? Run the Rock, because it is very challenging and rewarding at the same time. The scenery is also very nice! - Seth Jenks

Centerton, AR (for two months now) I am passionate about the Bass Pro Fitness Series because it allows me to share my love of running and the outdoors with others and inspire them in their personal fitness journey. My favorite Bass Pro Fitness Series race is the Cohick Half Marathon. It was one of the first half marathons I ever ran was such a great course and experience overall. - Caitlin Crouse

Originally an Air Force brat but now Springfield is home! Running is my therapy and Bass Pro is home base! It’s like running with your family! Testing yourself in your own backyard and knowing all your friends and family are either running with you or cheering for you! Nothing motivates more than running through neighborhoods lined with people who are out there cheering for you now matter if you are first or last and the work Bass Pro goes into making this happen shows through every year. Trust me nothing relights your spirits when you think you can’t do it than a stranger screaming how awesome you are! - Jennifer Young

I'm the only Ambassador that doesn't live in the Springfield area but down in Pulaski County. That doesn't stop me from getting to Springfield and running with my favorite people though! As so many of the other ambassadors said, the BPFS runners are like family. Which is why I love November so much. It's like a family reunion!!  I ran my first Bass Pro Marathon in 2008 and have been coming back every year (I'll be back pacing the 5:30 marathon group this year)! Is it my favorite race? It's my favorite 26.2 mile race in the whole wide world to be sure but the Dogwood Canyon 50k has my heart as well. There's something magical about those hills and the time of year that the run is held. Don't even get me started on how great the swag and the volunteers are! So I will say they are both my favorites! And the reason I am so passionate about advocating for the greatest race series there ever was? Because as a runner and a longtime running coach, I know how much it means to cross a finish line. And there's no better ones to cross than the finish lines at Bass Pro. There's an event and a distance for everyone. But no matter which one you choose, you'll come away smiling and ready to do it again! - Melissa Sharp

So there you have it friends. Coming out to meet the ambassadors is a great reason to join us for Friday's run. You'll not only have a great time but you'll hear even more reasons why the Bass Pro Fitness Series is the absolute best series you'll ever find! So make plans to join us. Hope to see you there! Happy Running!

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