Tuesday, October 17, 2023


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about the obvious... race day is less than three weeks away! Can you believe it??? The Bass Pro Marathon and Half Marathon will take place on November 5! That means it's taper time, which is a time that fills many runners with dread. Why? Well... here are the top three reasons that I see as a long-time runner and running coach:

1. The belief that too much rest will undo all the training. Many runners (especially new ones) fear that time off will cause them to lose their endurance. But the truth is, reducing mileage allows for full recovery before the race and puts you in a position to perform at your best. That means taper time, not to be confused with hammer time which is way more fun if you ask me, is important. Now isn't the time to make gains but to let your body heal from all the training. If that isn’t enough, tapering boosts immune function and improves muscle strength as well, which reduces the odds you’ll catch a cold or get injured just before the race (something that happens a lot). And get this: A 2003 review of 50 studies showed that the subjects who tapered improved their performance by 3 percent on average. That works out to five to 10 minutes in a marathon!

2. It can be downright uncomfortable for those runners who use the sport to manage their stress, anxiety, and/or depression (like I do). The decrease in mileage means getting less of those feel-good chemicals running produces which can lead to irritability and moodiness. This is a real thing for me and many other runners. So be ready for it! Not to mention that you won't be spending as much time with your running buddies, which is the world's cheapest form of therapy. This seems like a double edged sword doesn't it? But you can keep your sanity and your friends by finding other things to do together. Like going for coffee afterwards since your run is cut short? This is also a great time to shift your emphasis to your sleep, nutrition, and hydration (very important things to keep up on during taper time). Think of it as a new form of cross-training! Remember that dropping these other activities is only for a few weeks and you’ll be able to resume them after your race recovery.

3. The food. Or lack of it I should say. So by now, you're used to being hungry all the time right? And eating constantly? I mean, you've been burning a lot of calories. But packing on the pounds before race day isn’t a good thing. So remember to adjust your food intake to compensate for dialing down your mileage. And make protein a priority since it aids in the repair and recovery of muscle tissue damaged during the high-mileage phase of marathon and half marathon training. Shoot for 75 to 100 grams of protein per day. If you don’t eat meat, fill up on protein from eggs, beans, dairy, and soy products. And don't forget the fruits and veggies. The extra vitamin C will help keep your immune system working properly so you don't end up sick on race day.

So there you have it friends. Tapering can be a rough time for many. But knowing what to expect and having a plan in place along with the right frame of mind can help you use this time to your advantage without going crazy. Think of taper time as the reward for all the hard work you've put in rather than a punishment. You've put your body and mind through a lot and now it's time to rest them both to allow healing to take place. It will all pay off on race day when you cross the Bass Pro Fitness Series finish line. I guarantee it! 

Happy Running!
(and Happy Tapering!)

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