Tuesday, February 21, 2023

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Motivation for any Run

Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about how the lack of motivation to train well can sneak in and what you can do about it. Lack of motivation can come from anywhere. One of the main causes for dwindling motivation this time of year is the lack of sunshine and the cold temperatures. But hey, believe me when I say this... spring will be here in a month!! That means it's racing season!! Which also means if you're not trained up for those spring half-marathons, marathons and ultras, you're going to be running them in the heat of summer where motivation is likely to dip again. So in the spirit of saying "heck no!" to waving the white flag, check out these 20 Ways to Get Motivated for a Run (with my two cents thrown in) and get out there!!! And remember, it may be tough to get up and go for a run. But most of the time, you’ll be more pleased and satisfied with yourself if you get up and do it.

Motivation for any run

Whether you’re planning a light jog around your neighborhood or an intense interval training workout, these tips can inspire you to dash out the door.

1. Get competitive

Look for a bit of friendly competition, if that’s something you enjoy. Find a group of people to run with in order to keep up the pace, or chart your times against others with a fitness app.
*At the end of the day, remember that you're really competing against yourself. Strive to be better than you were yesterday. That extends to all things. Discipline in all areas of our lives not only makes us better runners but better humans in general. And don't we all want that? 

2. Reward yourself (this is one we've talked about before but is worthy of repeating)

The power of prizes doesn’t stop at childhood. Create a reward system for yourself. Track your process with good old-fashioned tally marks, or make a chart complete with stickers. Place it somewhere visible so you’ll see it often.

Rewards can be something as simple as allowing yourself an extra 30 minutes of sleep or booking a massage. 

3. Lower your minimum time

On days when you aren’t able to meet your daily minimum time, run for whatever amount of time you have available instead of sitting it out completely. This way, you’re more likely to stay in the swing of things since you won’t have missed an entire day.
*This is a great time to throw in some speed work as well. You'll compensate for the lack of time with a harder workout making you fell all the more motivated. 

4. Maintain a healthy weight

Running burns calories, reduces belly fat, and helps you make healthy food choices. It can also help you meet your weight loss goals or maintain your target weight.
*On a side note, weight loss and maintaining it takes pressure off your joints. That's great news for runners like me who want to continue running until the good Lord calls me home. Did I tell you that weight loss also improves speed? The less weight you carry, the faster you can go. 

5. Get in a group groove (I stress this all the time but once again it's worthy of repeating)

The more the merrier when it comes to group motivation. Find one or several training partners with whom you can set up a running schedule. Even if you don’t run together each day, you can band together a few times a week for accountability.
*On a side note, the Bass Pro training groups will start up again in July!!! Who's excited????

6. Feel the endorphin energy

The runner’s high is real. You may experience feelings of positivity or even euphoria, as running improves your mood and makes you feel better by releasing endorphins, one of the happiness hormones.

7. Set goals

Break your intentions into small, manageable steps. This can include the amount of time you put in per week, how fast you run a certain distance, or the number of days you run.
*This is so important!! My motivation was waning last month so I signed up for a spring ultra marathon. It lit a fire in me!! So register for a race! When you have money invested (aka skin in the game) you're much more likely to get out there and get in those miles. 

8. Dress for the exercise you want to do

Dressing well can have a positive effect on how you perceive yourself, and it may motivate you to run more often. Shop for workout clothing and shoes that you’ll enjoy wearing.

Or use your athletic clothes as a chance to experiment with styles you wouldn’t normally try. That could mean going for bright colors or wearing shorts when you normally wouldn’t.

9. Let the music move you

Take the time to create a playlist of all your favorite tunes. Select upbeat songs that put you in a good mood and inspire you to move. Only allow yourself to listen to these songs while you run.

10. Keep track with an app

Stay on top of your goals by using a motivation or habit tracking app. Many allow you to set reminders, connect with people through forums, and view graphs that track your progress.

11. Mix it up

Switch up your routine at least one day per week. Run hills instead of a long distance, or add in some sprints. You can also run in a different neighborhood, do your usual route backward, or change the time of day.

12. Feel the sunshine on your face

Running is a fantastic way to get the sunlight needed to boost serotonin levels. This helps to put you in a good mood while reducing depression and anxiety.

13. Set your own pace

The only person you have to answer to is yourself, so feel free to run at any speed that feels good. Decide if you prefer to run at top speed or more of a leisurely pace.

Morning ‘runspiration’

The early morning lends a certain energy to your run, and you may feel like you’re getting ahead of the game, which can set a positive tone for your entire day.

14. Be on the right side of the bed

Starting off your day by checking off your running box is a huge accomplishment. Doing it first thing leaves you with less chances for distraction or getting caught up in all that comes with the daily grind. You’ll feel better mentally and physically for getting it done early.

15. Bask in morning stillness

Enjoy the beauty and silence of the early morning. Waking up early allows you to take time for yourself and enjoy this quiet, peaceful time of day. Other benefits include boosts to your productivity and concentration.
*I could not agree with this one more. You reap so much from getting out as the world opens it's eyelids. I had the day off Monday and could have slept in but opted to get up at 4:00 a.m.. As the sun began to rise and I turned off my headlamp, my mind was still and my heart was happy. Quiet time alone is like medicine to the soul. 

16. Connect to nature by hitting the trails

Running on trails will give you a new perspective, and can train your body to move in different ways. You may become more aware of foot placement, which can help you focus your mind and stay present. Plus, running on dirt is more gentle on your body than pavement.

Breathing in fresh air and surrounding yourself with the natural beauty of trees, lakes, and hills can be mentally refreshing. Plus, being outdoors is a natural mood booster. Even if you can’t get out of the city every day, try visiting a natural park at least once per week.

17. See the birds and the bees

Pique your curiosity and make a point to learn about some of the natural wildlife and plants in your area. Set out to discover or take note of one new aspect of nature each time you visit a running trail.

Marathon motivation

Running a marathon requires structured training over a set period of time, so you’ll need to commit to a course of action. Plan carefully to make sure you have plenty of time to prepare.

18. Put your race face on

Sign up for a few shorter race such as a 5K, 10K, and half marathon, and gradually build your way up to a full marathon. This way, you’ll start to get a feel for following a training schedule and what it’s like to compete.

19. Get the ball rolling

Sign up for the marathon you want to run at least five months in advance. Once you’ve set your heart and intention on this race, start your marathon preparation. Make sure you’re well-versed in what exactly this entails, and stick to your training schedule.

20. Find a fan club

Running a marathon is no small feat, and if it’s your first one, let your friends know. They’ll happily support you and check in with your progress as you prepare.

Your friends may even want to join you for parts of your training. Plus, they can mark their calendar so they’re present on the big day to cheer you on.

How to stay motivated

You’ll need to stay motivated and make sure you maintain this drive day after day, week after week in order to achieve your workout goals.

If it works for you to have a set routine, continue in this direction. If it’s easier for you to stay motivated when you change up your routine, then do something different.

Run sprints, hills, and long distances on different days. Change up your location and the time of day to keep it varied, which will prevent you from becoming bored.

So there you have it friends. Those are some great tips that I hope you found beneficial. We're all different so find what works for you. It's worth the effort. Oh, and one more thing that I hope helps to motivate you. The day will come for everyone when running is no longer an option due to age or injury. If that day isn't today, let that thought be the driving force that gets you out the door today with a smile on your face and gratitude in your heart. 
Happy Running!

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